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A confessed to B in Elementery school that they like them, but B brushed it off and said "sorry, i don't feel this way but we can be friends" shoving A directly into friendzone. A didn't minded that considering that both letters we're too young to be together. 

Few years later they turned out to be besties soon after spending time a whole elementary and middle school years being there for each other, things started to change in highschool. B started to have feelings for A but B never had the balls to tell them really. 

After a couple months both of the letters still stayed in contact, but today, it was the day when B was about to go fucking nuts, the day that made B got their fear, the day that made B so anxious and too afraid of the future, the day where B knew so damn fucking well that A would slowly drift away from their side, abandoning them in a short future.

That day has began when B was studying till A called them, B picked up the phone as both of the letters began doing a conversation after all talking about random shit, A started telling B that they found C attractive lately and even said they want to ask them out someday. Just like that B's heart started to sink down to the bottom, kinda like a Titanic ship being hit by a Iceberg, B couldn't believe in any way, so they pretended that they we're ok with A's idea saying "If that makes you happy , then i don't see a problem with that."

After an hour and a half of being on the phone the letters said their goobyes and hung up. B started to have a breakdown, sobbing and hiccuping on the bed sheets, cuddling their stuffies wishing that C will reject A, but at the same time B wanted A to be happy, they wanted the first letter to be happy with the letter C,  what was B  thinking about? They're such a mess of emotions at this point.

Months passed, There's the day where B has lost A.
In that day A got the courage of going to C to confess to them, while B just sat there and pretended to be supportive about A's action. 

It was lunch time, around at Wednesday, A sat next to C, leaving B alone. A confessed their feelings towards C and surprisingly, C [(is for cunt) jk] has accepted giving A a kiss on their cheek. B has saw that, they tried to pretend to be supportive, yet again but on the inside they  just want to end it all, to cry, to scream, but they couldn't. They want A to be happy, they don't want seem like some drama queen or some shit. 

'Sometimes, you just want to sacrifice yourself for the others to be happy' B thought, throwing the backpack on the floor , flopping on the bed. They knew that a month later the high school would start a prom party, B wished they would never go to the prom just because of seeing C and B spending time, but they had to.

Now's too late, They  lost them

A/n: that was a pretty a long chapter, sorry if you see some grammar mistakes I finished this shit at 3:38 am me tiredd aaaaaa. Also this chapter is pretty deep doe💅😤✨

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