
16 1 0

Person A and Person B go to a carnival, they would have fun, smash bottles for prizes from the top shelf, eat carnival food (hotdogs, cotton candy, donuts, yeah yeah ik it's not food that can cover up the big hunger but just for the appetite lol)

Both of the first letters would sit on the bigass wheel admiring the place up high and even the colorful fireworks on the dark sky full of stars :U

A would kissy kiss B and say "damn bitch u glow" LOL JKJKJKJKJK-

I'ma remake it,

A would kiss B at the time they're admiring the stars  saying like "you shine so bright like a star, you're my only little star bbyboy/bbygal" while B is giggling while cuddling so tight-

A/n: And that's it, sry for the late chapter. Love ya'll huns

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