Requested | Secrecy (💦)

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Requested by xneenjax
Thank you for your request!

Warnings: Cursing, steam-ish (basically the plot is), end might disappoint you but that's what the requester wanted 😂


You and Tony were on a vacation together, but the thing was you both had to be a little cautious because your parents were also coming too. You never wanted a thing to happen that you both get caught naked in front of your mom or dad.

Pretty embarrassing for sure. But Tony could handle that.

You were sleeping beside Tony, as you opened your eyes and saw his gentle, cute face which you loved the most. In a matter of really doing it, you kissed his lips gently, and pulled off. He slowly opened his eyes, looking at your beautiful face.

"Good morning, beautiful~" He said in his morning voice.

"Good morning, babe~" You wished back. "Your morning voice is just so sexy."

"Really? My voice knows when to take my sexier voice out. Even my sexiest actions." He teased. You chuckled.

"Come on Tony. I know that well. Don't you know I've been dating with you so long so wouldn't I realise that?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Oh I was just kidding with you babe, I know it well." He chuckled, and you fake laugh at his joke. "Ha ha. Very funny. Come on you gotta get up and make some breakfast for me."

"Alright." He winked at you and got off the sheets and you turned around immediately, sleeping for a bit. You couldn't remember that his back was filled with your marks. They were deep red in color, probably you scratched his skin a bit harsh. He went inside the kitchen, cooking some eggs and bacon for breakfast. You got up and yawned, stretching your arms and you get off the bed. You saw Tony walking in, with the eggs and bacon.

"Your breakfast." He handed you the board, which had the food along some orange juice. You smile at him, because you know he was just too cute.

"Aww, baby you are so sweet!" You peck his cheek, that mads him blush slightly.

"Okay what do we say, cute in Japanese?" He thought.

"Uhm, kawaii?" You replied.

"Oh, so kawaii!" He covered his face like he was anime blushing. You laughed harder by his action, because you both watched Japanese anime.

"Okay, I think my mom and dad have come to the living room, I gotta check on them." You take the board to the living room, where you saw your mom and dad on the couch, eating breakfast too.

"Good morning, mom! Good morning, dad!" You smile and greet your parents.

"Oh good morning, my dear Y/N." Your mom gave you a kiss. "Sit down dearie. Have some breakfast with us."

"Did you sleep well?" Your dad said.

"Yeah, dad. I had an amazing sleep last night!"

"I'm sure it was more amazing when you had your boyfriend with you." Your mom gave you a teasing smirk, she knows everything about you and Tony. Cool.

You blushed harder than you can imagine. "M-me and h-him? M-Mom it's not like.. it's not like we.. do.." You didn't wanted to tell further because you were just too embarrassed to tell it.

Your mom and dad chuckled. They weren't like "those" parents who always keep a suspicion on their children for having a boyfriend. They were really giving you the freedom to do everything.

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