A not so "Tragical Romance" ||5

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The sun started to rise up on the  horizon outside Green Gables.

Where inside One Gilbert Blythe and One Anne Shirley Cuthbert were fast asleep in each others arms.

Oblivious to the rest of the world.

along the gravel path to the Cuthbert farm came Diana who jumped over the fence like a pro carrying a blue weaved basket as she headed towards the Barn in her baby blue silk dress.

There was only one reason Diana Barry was going to the Cuthbert Barn this early in the morning.

" Jerry.... Jerry Where are you ?"
Diana called out as she set the basket of scones and baked goods down on the work table.

" I'm coming down"  jerry called as he climbed down the latter from the hay loft.

"Bonjour ma belle Diana"

• Good Morning my beautiful Diana•

Jerry spoke causing Diana to blush as he plants a kiss onto her lips putting his hands on her waist pulling her body closer to him.

the kiss is broken as Diana has her arms wrapped around jerry's neck his hands still on her waist as there foreheads are pressed together as they catch their breath.

"Bonjour Jerry tu me manques quand nous sommes séparés"

•Good morning Jerry I miss you when we are apart•

Jerry Smiles at her slightly remembering that in about a year she will be leaving once more to go to finishing school in France as per her mother's wishes.

Not wanting to bring it up however he picks her up and spins her around so she's against the barn wall as she giggles like Minnie May on a sugar high.

she presses her lips to his feeling herself smile as the break away.

" So what are you doing here so early not that i don't love to see you?"

jerry asks this time in english.

" I brought you and Anne some baked goods for breakfast since Marilla and matthew are out of town i figured it would be easier than her trying to bake something and burning down green gables."

Jerry laughs remembering how Marilla always tells Anne not to burn the kitchen down and how Anne is not the best baker in avonlea or anywhere for that matter.

"After all the maid ordered 3 times as many pastries as usual and mother would surely fire her if she realizes so i helped her out, Come on let's eat breakfast."

Diana says taking jerry by the hand leading him up towards the house.

" I don't think she's awake yet she usually will come by and see belle and Butterscotch the foal in the morning after she wakes up.?!"

Jerry states still holding Diana's small soft hand in his.

" That's okay we can wait for her inside I'm sure she will be up soon ."

The two walk up the stairs as jerry grabs the door and holds it as diana walks in and smiles at him

" Merci Jerry,"

He smiles at Diana as she sits the pastries down on to the table and takes a seat as Jerry is frozen in place standing at the door frame looking at Diana.

He can't help but wonder what life would be like without her in it.

She's the reason he gets up in the morning.

She's the reason he smiles.

She's the reason his heart beats faster when someone mentions her name or he sees her beautiful face.

he can help but wonder what it will be like once she goes away to school every time he tries to bring it up she shuts the conversation down.

He Loves her and Sometimes even when you love someone with all your heart you must let them go and Jerry knows that Diana Deserves the Rich and Fancy lifestyle that he can't give her,

But it didn't matter Jerry knows that no matter what happens he will always love her and support her as well as protect her even if that means letting her marry some rich man her mother picks for her.

As long as Diana is happy so is he.

Even if their love story does end in a Tragical romance like the ones Anne loves to read about.

" Aren't you going to sit down—?"
Diana asks breaking jerry away from his concerns.

He nods smiling at her determined to live life with her by his side as long as they can.

Little does Jerry know, Diana thinks about this a lot how her parents will disown her if she refuses to marry a rich man.

But little does anyone's know but her, She's going to do something she's never done before, She Diana Barry was going to lie and disobey her parents as She would be taking the queens entrance along with Anne and most of her other classmates come next fall.

For Herself. For Her Friends. And For The Boy Who She Loved Above All Else.

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