Little Do They Know ||6

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Jerry and Diana sit and wait for Anne and only Anne as far as they know to get up.

Little do they know Upstairs in Anne's room Someone begins to stir.

Gilbert Opens his eyes to see His lovely Anne as she had her head resting on his bare chest.

How did i get so lucky ?

He thinks looking down at her. She is adorable when she's sleeping that's one thing Gilbert knows for sure. As well as the fact that he could get used to waking up with her by his side cuddled up next to him.

In this moment Gilbert Blythe couldn't be happier.

He takes a strand or her hair twisting it in his fingers.

Gilbert thinks back to the day when they first met.

He was walking to school when he saw Billy Veer of the path so of course on instinct he followed knowing he tends to cause trouble Sure enough he was right Her long red hair in two braids as her face captured her fear.

He Vowed to himself never to let Billy or anyone else hurt her and yet this happened. it made his blood boil just thinking about her lying there in pain.

Gilbert shifts his body as he gets out of the bed careful not to wake Anne however this didn't work as she feels a cold chill brush over her as Gilbert's warm body moves from hers.

"Good Morning Sleepyhead" Gilbert says looking at a Tired looking Anne who's smile is almost as big as his.

"Good morning Mr. Blythe."

Gilbert smirks as he throws on a shirt walking over towards Anne Bending down as she reaches up kissing him passionately.

"I'm Glad your home" Anne says in a dreamy voice almost sounding a little like Ruby.

" Of course i kept my promise Carrots."

Gilbert brushes a strand of her auburn red hair out of her face and tucked in behind her ear Causing her to blush.

She took her hand and placed it on the side of Gilbert's cheek where she hit him with her slate causing him to laugh.

"Come on i will make breakfast."

Anne says in a low tone as she hops out of bed still wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

" uh, Anne you  do no how to cook right?"

Gilbert asks jokingly making her laugh.

" We will see, Now go downstairs so i can get dressed."

Gilbert smiles,

Or i can stay right here

He thinks to himself causing him to blush as he opens the door handle closing the door behind him.

He scolded himself for thinking such things however he couldn't stop thinking them. After a moment he cleared his head and thought for a moment before heading on down the hall to the stair case

He jumps down the stairs two steps at a time with a happy go lucky look on his face as thoughts of Anne cloud his mind. He reaches the bottom of the stairs looking up to see two shocked faces before him.

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