Castle J- The bus

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Y/N's POV:
While i was waiting for the bus to get to school i looked to my left to see a boy, which had the same uniform as mine, stare at me. Once he realised i caught him looking he just looked away making a nervous face. I was confused to why he was staring at me.

As the bus approched the bus stop i got in and saw that there weren't many spaces so i sat at the back were there was a group of girls. I saw the strange boy walk in and sit down at the front. I had this feeling that i never felt before. He kept looking back. Even though any girl would probably feel unconfortable, i didn't. His stare was like he was looking straight at his happiness as his eyes shined.

As the bus stopped once again more people entered the bus. The boy saw an elderly woman and gave up his seat for her making me smile at his actions. When the boy looked up to me and saw my smile he did the same, giving me a small smile. This is where i saw that he was quite cute. His smile. His smile was the key to his cuteness. How everytime he smiled his eyes did created rainbows.

As the group of girls stood up from their seats and left the bus, the cute boy walked over to the back of the bus and sat down on the opposite corner near the window. I could see how tense he was as he kept playing with his fingers. I looked up to see his face and saw the sun shined around him. He was so handsome. While i was staring at him, the boy realised and looked at me giving me a questionable look. "H-hello" the boy stuttered making me realise that i stared for too long.

"Hi, sorry for staring" i said giving him a small smile while looking down at my legs. "You- you were staring at me!" He said surprised. I hummed agreeing to his statement. As this was getting too awkward i decided to speak up. "So! I'm
Y/N, what's your name?" I presented myself with a big smile and handed him my hand for him to shake it. "I-im Son Seongjun, nice to meet you" he said once again stuttering and accepted my hand giving me a handshake.

"You're from my school. What department are you from?" I asked. "Oh, im from the music department. What about you?" Seongjun replied."Im from the Architecture department. Are you a freshman?" I replied. "Y-yes" Seongjun said. "Me too! No need to be shy, we are friends now!" I stated giving him a small push and sweet smile making him even more shy. "Speak normally with me" i said looking straight at his eyes. "I will try" he said giving me a small smile.

"The bus stopped lets go! We still need to walk for a bit we might as well know each other a bit more" i said giving him a thumbs up.

No one's POV:
As they were walking to the college Y/N started talking about her middle school and how bad her first day was making both of them laugh.

Y/N started talking how she wanted to be and artist instead of an architect. "I wanted to be an artist but my parents said no. They were like 'will you get any money from that, if you fail the job what will you back up be, blah blah blah..' you know how parents are." She said mimicking her parents. "Yeah, i know parents." Seongjun chuckled making his rainbow eye smile appear. "You look cute when you smile" i said "i like you eye smile" making Seongjun smile even more. Seongjun git more confident as he got to speak more with Y/N.

As Y/N started talking about the competition she won in the last year of middle school, Seongjun whispered "i remember". "I was so relieved that i had finally won. Seriously after 5 years i win only once and it had to be on the last year! But i was so happy." Y/N said as her eyes showed passion and happiness as she recalled all the good moments of that day. "I know" Seongjun said making Y/N stop her tracks and look at him. "How do you know?" Y/N asked giving him a confused look.

"Ugh... well..." seongjun said as the words were not getting out. "I- i can tell! Yeah i can tell how happy you are now so you must have been happy that day!" Seongjun said making Y/N a bit at ease. "Oh right!" Y/N smiled and carried on walking.

Seongjun's POV:
'I hope she didn't notice. I don't want too look like weird. She's still the same as the Y/N i know from school. Her smile, her eyes, her actions especially her way of talking. So free. I never though i would meet her again not even have the chance to talk to her. So now we're friends. I just hope that one day she will realise my feelings.' I thought.

"What are you doing! Lets go!" Y/N shouted giving me the smile i always wanted to see.

"Thank you for giving me a chance" i whispered while looking at the sky smiling.

"Why are you walking so fast!" I said running to Y/N.


☆Hope you enjoyed this oneshot! If you have something to recommend comment :)


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