chapter 11

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"OK JUST HAVE TO GET MY PHONE " I yelled back grabbing my phone and running out the door past scooter who was rolling his eyes at me like always

as we were in the car heading to the airport I was really board so I was gonna randomly trying all my animal forms I know, my favorite form was my black panther

"Justin don't you dare" scooter said in a stern voice, how did he know what I was gonna do I swear sometimes he can read minds

"Fine" and that was the end of our conversation

..ON THE PLANE........

Board. I'm so utterly and entirely board. I hate plane rides especially since scooter took my computer and phone of me cause I was taking to manny selfies for the fans on twitter.

I thought it would be good to catch some sleep to pass the time so I started drifting away.


"AAAAHH" my screams turned into a roar as my body was shifting uncontrollably from creature to creature, my body soar and aching and standing there were hunters killing innocent lives with there new weapon which can take the sole from the shifter and kills it leaving behind the animal sole to die a slow and painful death, I could feel the end coming and then I saw my mate whom I was protecting from the viol weapon, she had the gun to her head and with my last breath I heard the shot and the screams of her sole being killed and the hunters laugh

************end of dream

"Justin wake up you look like your about to shift and kill everyone around us"scooter said shaking me

I opend my eyes and looked at the reflection of me in the mini tv thing on the back of the chair only to see my claws ripping into the seat and my fangs plain in sight and my eyes black as night.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down 'it was only a dream' I kept telling myself but it felt so real

"were landing now" scooter said and buckled his seat belt so I did the Same

......AT THE AIRPORT......

All I could see was bright lights from the cameras all around me with the sound of screaming girls asking for a photo of me to sign a piece of paper just so they can sell it on eBay or frame it and hang it on there wall

the security guard guided us towards the car coming to pick me and scooter up, I think we were gonna go see some girl cause me and her are the last shifters and joining one direction on there tour cause the girl might be my mate I wasn't told much so I think I got it right

after a really boring half-hour drive we finally came to a hotel were I would meet this girl for the first time

room 185 I was about to step in when a blonde headed boy who looked alot like niall horan opened the door

"Hi " I said in an awkward tone

"helloooo I'm Niall and I'm a big fan" outstretching his hand for me to shake I kindly took it

an older looking women walked out past me and to scooter and starting said hellos and walked inside

I walked in and sat next to scooter in front of five boys from the British/Irish boy band one direction, we made small talk but then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, turned around to see a beautiful girl walking down the stairs, she had long blonde hair and the most amazing eyes I knew she had to be my mate

"OH Tina this is scooter and this is Justin bieber, you two are the last shifters alive " the women said to the girl called Tina, Tina had a shocked look on here face but then zayn walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and I tensed up and felt my claws coming out and my teeth turning to sharp fangs, I growled really lowly so they couldn't hear

I stood up and outstretched my hand to shake hers and she kindly took it, I felt tingles run all through my hand when we touched she jumped back looking scared, I could tell her and zayn were mind linking each other so I was stood there awkwardly, I heard scooter and the other manager walk away so I took this time to talk but Tina beat me to it

"how, I can't have to mates " she whispered to herself What??! who is her other mate

"you don't I'm your mate" zayn said starring to tense up

"no I am, I felt it she is my mate"I said I was shaking with anger I was gonna shift and rip him apart

"Guys calm down"she said holding our chests apart I felt tingles all over me, I could still see zayn shaking in anger so I did something stupid, I shifted into my panther and rubbed up on Tina leaving my scent on her, that pushed him way to far and he shifted into a large black wolf with pure black eyes, he lunged at me but I sidestepped him and shifted into a small mouse and ran under him then shifted in into a white wolf with brown patches and bit his stomach, he stumbled and yelped before grabbing my flank and throwing me across the room but before I hit the wall I turned into a pigeon and flew at him (I think I heard someone yell Kevin) but before I made impact with zayn's body I shifted into a tiger with outstretched claws but then a white wolf tackled me to the ground snarling at me, I looked around and found that all the guys were in wolf form snarling at me while scooter and the other lady stood there shocked and angry at me, I whimpered and the white wolf get of me I realised it was Tina and gave her a sorrow look while holding my body to the ground and shifted into my wolf

"Justin get your butt here now " scooter said to me in a harsh tone, I walked to him still close to the ground

"shift. now" he said, so I shifted back but forgot about the naked part so I was standing there butt naked in front of everyone

"ah shit" I cursed and tried my best to cover up and ran into the kitchen, luckily I saw a pair of sweat pants a put them on, then walked out to see everyone was gone apart from scooter who was giving me a deadly look trust me if looks could kill I we would be on my back dead right now

"so what was that, I thought I told you not getting into trouble but here you are beating the shit out of Zayn what is your problem?" wow that was a blow

"but- " I was cut of

"save it just go to sleep " the boys manager showed me to a spare room and as soon as I hit the pillow I was out


I was trashing my room, ripping up furniture, braking glass my wolf just wanted to rip his head of, why would he say that I'm her mate not that twat, this can't be happening no one can have two mates unless.....

"holy shit"I ran to the phone I needed to talk to my dad he told me of a story once of a queen who had two mates but I cant remember the whole story

after 3 rings he answered


"zayn? why are you calling me at this hour" he said I forgot the time difference

"sorry but what was that story you told me about the queen with two mates"

"why do you want to know ?"

"cause " what am I gonna say without telling him my mate has two mates "I'm board" nice save Zayn, if you were 5

"ok I will pretend you told me the real reason" he could always tell when I'm lying even on the phone

" so can you tell me" I was getting a bit impatient

"I can't remember it but there should be a book on it, you do know it is a true story?" now I felt like a genius, note my sarcasm

"oh.. well Thanks dad "

"bye Zayn" with that the line went dead, I hurried and grabbed my laptop and turning it on, typing in my password and opening the browser looking for the book and hoping it's online


two mates how do I have two mates why does my life have to be so complicated first I get tracked by hunters then vampires kidnapped me now I have to mates what has the world come to.

As I was walking to my room I felt a large warm hand grab my arm and spin me around

"are you ok" Harry said looking a little worried

"Yeah I'm Fine just still trying to wrap my head around this " there was a long pause of us just staring into each others eyes until I felt myself leaning in and he was to

Ah crap.


I just red over the chapter and realised I hadn't finished it so I'm so sorry for that I guess I rushed it, anyways I will try update as soon as possible just to make up for the mistake but I still have a little writers block so it may be a little crap but I will make it as long as possible oh and I was thinking of either making a Niall Horan fanfic or a Harry Styles one just tell me which one to make




Mated to Zayn Malik (werewolf/1D fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now