chapter 2

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When I woke up in the morning I felt so excited I got another text latter at night from Harry saying we were leaving at mid day so I thought I would just go to the lake for a swim but just as I got up Dylan my dads 3rd in command told me that my dad wanted to speak to me so I shood him away so I could go for a shower. I pealed my cloths of and hoped in I yelp when the water came out boiling hot but it cooled down I spent 7 minutes in there as I was in a rush I chose to wear a striped T-shirt and some dark blue pants. When I got to my dads office he told me to take a seat I was a bit scared but I pushed past it and took a seat.

"So what did you want to talk about dad"I said a bit edgy

"You are not going on tour with a pathetic omega" he said in a harsh tone

"What why Harry is my best friend" I yelled back

"I DONT CARE YOU GET BACK UP TO YOUR ROOM AND DONT COME BACK OUT" he yelled in his alpha tone but it never works on me I don't know why.

I stormed out of his office and went down to the kitchen and grabbed a doughnut, I'm to pissed to be thinking healthy stuff him making me a size zero HA, I walked up the stairs as it was already half past 11 so I ran to my room for my suitcase. Me and Harry waited patently for the black van to pull up and take us to the lobby in town were we would meet his 4 friends I was practically jumping when I saw the van as I said my goodbyes to the pack we were a small pack with only about 30 wolves cause of what happened when I was 3 which made me loose my mother a tear came to my eye but I blinked it back so no one would see me.

When me and Harry arrived at the lobby all emotions were flooding my brain mainly worry but when I saw them a was tackled by them I was surprised how I was greeted so nicely by people from another pack so I stood there shocked when a beautiful blonde haired boy put out his hand for me to shake I kindly accepted.

"Hi im niall and your a very beautiful lass I look forward to getting to know you"the blonde head said with a glint of lust in his eyes

"Um...Thanks IM tina and will love to get to know you to"I said a bit nervous

Now a guy with brow hair and ocean blue eyes and shirt with a carrot on it put his hand out but instead of him shaking my hand he dragged me in for a bone crushing hug which I kindly replied to him

"Hi my name is Louis and you are beautiful" he said with very large smile, I just blushed and said a small hello.

Then a very mature looking boy gave a wave saying his name was Liam I guise were not gonna talk much

But then a very hot black haired boy with bright brown eyes stared at me I just got lost in those eyes as my wolf was howling for joy saying 'mate' but then I felt him come closer as all the boys understood what was happening I could see from the corner of my eye as niall and Harry clench there fists I swear they were going to kill the dark hair boy

"Hi I'M zayn "he said with an arm around my waist

"Hi I'M Tina"I heard him whisper a few times saying mine as did i

When we finally left the lobby I was greeted to a very large tour bus we boarded the bus there was a kitchen,lounge room,bathroom and a large bedroom with 2 bunk beds and a 1 queen sized bed niall and Louis got top bunk while liam and Harry bottom so that left me and zayn on the other bed I felt a bit nervous about having to sleep with him.

We all decided apart from me to watch a scary movie after a came back from the bathroom all the boys were on the couch so I decided to lay across them my feet on Harry and my head on zayn. He was playing with my hair as Louis pressed play my wolf was at bay being next to her mate Plus I could hear zayn's wolf growl with pleasure as to be with his mate.

Halfway thought the movie it was just me and zayn sitting close to each other I cuddled up to him as the moviei continued as I screamed this time he pulled me onto his lap,I tried to get comfy as I did this I felt he made a groan as I realized I was pleasuring him I felt 'zayn jr' get a bit excited to I stopped and got up and walked to bed feeling stupid my wolf was growling at me to go back but I ignored her.

"Are you ok "niall asked which made me jump gosh that movie sure shocked me

"Yeah I'M Fine just going to bed night niall "I said with a yawn

"Goodnight love"he said as he drifted of to sleep

I hoped in bed hoping I would fall asleep before zayn came to bed but then I felt a strong arm go around my waist pulling me closer my wolf was howling with joy as I knew it was zayn I just pretended to be asleep

"Goodnight Tina have a good sleep"zayn said in a husky voice

"Night"was all I could say as I tried to get out of his grasp

This was going to be a long tour






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