Chapter 18

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Everything faded but came back. I was in a white room facing a mirror. I seemed to be suspended by wires ((think of that thing katniss was in in the latest hunger games)), I couldn't turn my head far but I could see another figure a meter away from me in the same contraption. My vission seems hazy but things are starting to come into focus.

Giving the room a once over I now make out the figure to be Louis, why him?

He's staring off into the mirror with a completely dazed expression. His chin has collected a fair amout of stubble and his hair is flat and glossy (greasy). We've obviously been here for some time. But didn't we just get murdered by a black slenderman? Well it looked like slender.

The rest of my body starts to catch up with me and I just feel like I need to stretch and blink a couple times. Not sure how to get out of this th- *bang*

Face planting out of it seems to work. Picking myself up I walk to the mirror, seems strange. I place my index finger on it and just as I thought, it's a two way mirror. ((I'll explain how you can tell if a mirror is two way at the end of the chapter))

How do I 'wake' Louis up? He looks like he's in a trance. I'm guessing this room is like a test area, we are set in a sedative that gives us the illusion of being awake in another state of mind. But how did this happen? When were we taken to end up here? We've been here a while but how?

My mind takes me to the incident when vampire's had taken Louis and I resulting in me learning I was a shifter..... am I still a shifter? My wolf seems to be silent, infact she had rarely spoken to me after Louis and I were taken. Is she okay? Maybe she is still in sedative.

I think of an animal and imagine my body turning into it but to no avail. Maybe my wolf form. I think of my white coat and I feel the change starting to happen, my body trying to contort into the form but it shifts me back to human. My wolf being under must have suppressed my ability to shift.

What happened to everyone? The steel door to my right seems to be our source of air flow, the vents on yhe bottom seem too small for either Louis or I to fit if I broke it.

*BANG* I turn to the noise and see Louis has fallen face first on the floor groaning. Well at least he's awake.

"You okay?" I ask, he just groans in response.

"Well if you don't feel talkative then mind helping me open this door or something?" He stumbles to his feet, hair falling flat on his face all greasy and gross, he looks thin, too thin. His eyes are dull supporting some pretty dark bags under them.

Our clothes seemed to have been changed, we both sport dark green shorts and red shirts, strange choice. I hold him up as I walk him to the door, the thing won't budge as I push on it.

I hear a faint giggle and see Louis smiling as he turns the handle and opens the door. Smartass.

The oyher room shows a large pane of glass into our previous room with files strewn along a bench a few inches infront of the glass. The room wreeks of something rotting and to no surprise there's a few dead people with no head in the room, they lay in a way that looks like they just dropped dead, no struggle but they all had large blood and flesh splatters near them, maybe their head's exploded or something.

The bench had 2 black boxes small enough to fit in your palm sitting on it, picking a file up I see a diagram explaing how the black box fits withing the brain below the left hemisphere and creates a sort of beacon to show the vital signs of the human it sits withing. It claims to be a medical break through but is still in testing as it shows signs of explosive behavior when exposed to radiation.

Mated to Zayn Malik (werewolf/1D fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now