Part 14: Spreading

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As the Louds finished cleaning, they decided to relax and get ready to go back to school the next day. The parents were half expecting the girls to complain about it, but the girls told them that they see okay with it.

"Really? You're okay with going to school?!" Rita said with a hint of surprise behind her voice.

"Listen Mom, as much as we love Lincoln...We can't afford to skip out on school. Especially since we want to gain successful careers." Luna said.

"Plus...We don't want to end up like our former siblings who's careers are definitely over. Besides we can always see Lincoln after school and do our homework at the same time with each other." Lisa said.

"That's good. Now that we're done cleaning...How about we go to the park for a bit?" Rita said.

"That would be a good idea. And after that maybe we can visit Lincoln." Leni said.

"That's the plan girls. Now come on. Let's go." Lynn Sr. Said as he lead his girls to Vanzilla and started to drive to the park. When they arrived...everyone went in separate directions. As they did so...Leni managed to drop by the bench where she sees Benny and Maggie.

"Oh...You're Leni right?" Benny said.

"Yeah. And you're Luan's friends aren't you?" Leni asked.

"We are. Speaking of which...Where is she?" Benny asked.

"I'm sorry to say this to you guys, but..Luan won't be coming back." Leni said.

"What do you mean?" Benny asked.

"Sigh...Luan did something bad yesterday." Leni said.

"Bad? Did she hurt someone?" Benny said.

"You mean that she was involved in that incident..." Maggie said with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Yes." Leni said.

"I never thought that Luan would have a soul blacked than the devil to do what she did." Maggie said which made Benny confused.

"Maggie...What is she talking about?" Benny asked.

"Sigh...Benny, yesterday there was an incident that occurred at the Luan's house where Luan's little brother was taken to the hospital." Maggie said.

"That's terrible? Do you know who did it?" Benny said.

"It was three of my former sisters who did it." Leni said.

"But that doesn't explain..." Benny  began before he realized what Leni was saying.

"But Luan would never do something that horrible. She loves her brother." Benny said.

"I'm sorry to be blunt, but she did. Before she and our former sisters tried to kill Lincoln..they got grounded after Mom and Dad tore into us about how Lincoln is treated. They didn't like that so they decided to try to kill him. Luckily they didn't succeed, but our brother is fighting for his life in the hospital." Leni said.

"No. I can't believe that she could do this." Benny said before he turned and started to walk off leaving Maggie and Leni alone.

"Sorry about that...he's still processing the news." Maggie said.

"Don't be. Even I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there." Leni said.

"So what happened after the disowning and the drive to the hospital?" Maggie asked.

"Well..After seeing Lincoln so broken, my parents started to see the flaws of their parenting. And had us clean our rooms and pack our former sister's things. Doing so just brought up so many memories of the good times that we had together." Leni said.

"Which makes you wonder what changed about them?" Maggie said.

"Yes. I love Lori, Luan and Lynn, but how can I look at them the same when they almost killed Lincoln." Leni said.

"I know that I'm not good at saying something encouraging, but...your sisters may have started to think that they could do things to your brother and not get in trouble. You said that your parents just started seeing the errors of their parenting right? So it stands to reason that your former sisters actions were a consequence of their former parenting style." Maggie said.

"Sigh...Normally I would argue with what you said, but...I can't. But at least our parents are correcting it now before things started to get more out of hand." Leni said.

"Listen...I'm sorry for what happened to you. And I wish you all the best, but I have to catch up with Benny to try to talk to him about what happened." Maggie said.

"It was nice talking to you Maggie. And if you ever need some more can always hang out with us at the house." Leni said as she walked off never seeing Maggie's tiny smile before she started to go towards Benny. Meanwhile Luna was walking near the stream when she spotted her good friend/crush Sam. 

"Hey Luna! How are you doing?" She said.

"To be honest...I'm still reeling from what happened yesterday." Luna said.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"My brother got admitted to the hospital yesterday." Luna said.

"Is he okay?" Sam asked.

"He'll live. But do you want to know who did it? My three former sisters." Luna said.

"What?" Sam asked.

"My three former sisters did this. All because he got them in trouble with our parents." Luna said.

"I'm sorry to hear that Luna. How are you holding up?" Sam asked.

"Sigh...To be honest, we're still adjusting towards what happened. And my parents started to see how bad their former parenting style was." Luna said.

"Does that mean we can't practice at your house anymore?" Sam asked.

"No. We can still practice...we'll just do it in the basement. Other than that...we packed Lori's, Luan's and Lynn's stuff and have sent them towards storage." Luna said.

"I guess it was difficult for you?" Sam asked.

"It was. Luan was a prank manic and loved to tell those awful puns, but she was still my sister. And as nice as having my own room is...I wish that things didn't have to happen this way." Luna said.

"Luna...Nobody knows what Luan, Lori and Lynn were thinking before they attacked your brother. should start looking towards the future. I know that you despise Luan for what she's done, but someday maybe you could find it in your heart to forgive her." Sam said.

"I'm not sure that's possible. But thanks for making me feel better Sam." Luna said as she started to walk away. Unaware that one of Lori's friends was going to tell the rest of Lori's friends which will eventually lead to a deep hatred towards the three girls in the future.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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