Part 17: Prison

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Voting so far...Bedroom number two is in the lead with number one being second and the third being in third place. So keep voting!! Winner will be revealed in a couple of days.

As Lincoln was being informed of everything that he missed, his former sisters were in the mess hall. They were picking on their food since they knew that they would spend the next 10 years in prison. Sure most people would be overjoyed with such a light sentence, but for the girls it would be another reminder of how much they'd messed up. Each could remember that day..that changed their lives for the worst...


Lori, Luan and Lynn were sitting in the defenders seat and were anxiously waiting for their sentence. It was heart wrenching waiting for the sentence...especially since they could feel the glares of their former parents and sisters on their backs. 

"L..Lori, I'm scared." Lynn Said.

"It'll be okay Lynn. We just need to have faith that the judge will be merciful on us." Lori Said. When she said that...she could hear someone laughing at the statement, but she didn't turn around. If she did...she would see the angry and disappointed faces on her former boyfriend and family. Despite knowing what she's done...she still couldn't handle them looking at her like she was some kind of monster. Neither could Luan and Lynn..given how each were looking at the ground.

"I've reached a sentence." The Judge Said. Each of the girls looked at the judge with hope in their eyes. While their sisters and parents waited to see how much time they would get.

"Girls, I've been a judge for a long time. And I have never heard anything like this before where three sisters would do something so heinous and vile towards their younger sibling." The Judge began. Lori, Luan and Lynn all looked down when the judge said that. At the seemed like they were just punishing their brother, but now they could see that it was the wrong move to make.

"But considering that this is your first time in the system...I will go a little easy on each of you." The Judge Said making some of their former family gasp in shock. 

"Lori, Luan and Lynn...Each of you will serve 10 years in the Royal Woods Correctional Center." The Judge concluded. When the judge said that...the girls could feel tears gathering behind their eyes. They were going to spend a decade behind bars and will never see any of their family again. Eventually...the security guards took each of them away..but not before they saw the looks sent their way. 




Each burned inside each of the girls memory. And haunts them all till this day.

Flashback End

Suddenly..hands slammed in front of the girls snapping them out of their day dreaming.

"Ladies...I hope that you've enjoyed that food because all of it is mine now." A woman said. Each of the girls looked up and saw the big boss of the prison. No one messed with her..since she could easily send her goons to inflict some serious damage towards them.

"What? No way, we..." Lynn said before Lori slapped her mouth and nervously smiled at her.

"We would gladly give you our food." Lori Said as she picked up all of their trays and handed them over to the boss. As the boss walked away...Lori took her hand of of Lynn's mouth.

"Lori..Why did you do that?" Lynn asked.

" were stupid enough to try and fight the person who could easily kill you." Lori hissed.

"Yeah. No one messes with her...not if they want to spend time in the infirmary." Luan said.

"But I could..." Lynn Said.

"Don't even think about it Lynn...she's too powerful to be messed with." Lori Said. Lynn sighed and just started to calm down..while the Big Boss looked on and smirked. It seemed like that small inmate needed to be taught a lesson. Maybe seeing her sister suffer would get that message across. As she started to think of ways to punish one of her sisters...two of her allies looked at each other and knew that whatever she was planning wouldn't be good. 

Never knowing how right they were.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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