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Lisa stood in the overgrow lining the dusty trek through the forest her spear in hand as she looked to her fellow outlaw. Lee held his bow and arrow poised at the approaching carriage. "Looks like we're in the money with this lot." Lee commented as he adjusted his arrow ready for their ambush. The wheels of the carriage thundered along with the horses hooves and Lisa held her breath. Johnny held his small dagger with determination, he had fallen into the band of merry men by sheer accident, his village ransacked by the soldiers of the new king and tyrant, his young wife and child slaughtered in cold blood along with others as a sign of what may happen to any who attempted to rebel against the new systems, the high taxation and cruel punishments.
The horses whinnied and the carriage halted before coming to an abrupt stop almost throwing the young ladies from their seats. Faye sat back adjusting her dress somewhat, her blonde hair slipping from it's elaborate style into loose curls over her shoulder. "What was that?" She asked as her maid shrugged. Faye, the daughter of one of the wealthiest landowners after the king leaned out of the carriage window and bellowed to the driver. "Why have we halted sir?" She called ignoring the look she was been sent by her Governess. Faye was a rather wilful young lady and Lady Shelton had her concerns that her charge would never fully display the ladylike qualities she should. "Miss Faye, we do not shout out of the carriage." She chided as Faye rolled her eyes slightly and let out a huff. 

"We do not endeavour to cause alarm sire, simply to allow you safe passage through the forest. It should not cost much, but a few gold coins and perhaps a few items of jewellery or meters of silk." Lisa said, her spear poised.
"I don't know what you think you have stopped Miss, this is a simple young lady heading home." Ian said with a wry smile as he calmed his horses with gentle words.
"I think you misunderstand sir. Either you listen and do as we say or you shall not make your intended destination." Lee said with a slight threat in his voice.
"Who do you think you are, threatening my coachman." A soft voice said as despite her Governess's words of warning Faye stepped down from the carriage. The hem of her dress met the mud and she looked with fierceness in her blue eyes. "Well, my lady as I was saying. We hate to inconvenience you but well we cannot allow you to pass without the tax." Lee said with a wry smile. The young woman who was glowering at him was pretty, her blue eyes burning with anger. "Tax, this is a forest, you cannot enforce any tax. This land does not belong to you." She argued as Lee found himself smiling slightly at her annoyance. "Well why doesn't a pretty maiden like yourself humour me hmm. That necklace you wear must be worth a small fortune. And judging by your clothes you wouldn't miss it much." Lee said as the young woman pouted. "I still won't give it away. Is this how you make your livelihood, jumping out and robbing." She spat as Lisa looked ready to launch herself at the girl.
"What do you know of how we live, you in your rich gowns and pretty jewels. No doubt feasting each night whilst we have to make do with what we can find."
"Or seemingly rob." Faye added.
"Now ladies." Johnny said with a slight smirk, he wouldn't let them fight, no he knew that if he did Lisa would likely impale the young woman on the end of her spear. 

Lee tapped his chin thoughtfully as he looked at the woman who was adamant that she would not hand over goods to them. Normally they would simply attack but he couldn't somehow bring himself to give the nod. "You think we enjoy this, living off what we can take." His hand grabbed onto her slender wrist eliciting a small gasp from the young woman. "Look come with us, see what we live like, driven by the new King's rules and taxes." He said as Faye's blue eyes flickered. "Unhand my lady sire." The coachman said bravely as he stepped down from his seat, a small knife in hand. Johnny scoffed at the man's misguided if well-intentioned bravery. "Ian please." Faye pleaded gently.
"No my lady, if they wish to take you then I shall come too. I do not trust this man." Ian said as Lee chuckled. "Well my ladies, we bid you adieu, we shall be back before nightfall." Lee said with a curt nod to the maid and Governess who were still sat in the carriage.

"Why am I blindfolded!" Faye protested as she felt the knife behind her back. Lisa frowned. 
"Why can't I kill her now!" She asked as Lee looked at her in anger.
"That's not the way to speak our guests." He said as he continued to hold Faye's hand as he led her through the depths of the trees to the clearing he and the other's had forged into their hideout. A smell of herbs and meat greeted them and he spotted Claire stood by the fire coating the meat from the poached animals they had earlier taken from farmlands that day, in a mixture of herbs. "You can remove their blindfolds now." Lee instructed as Lisa took away the material covering Faye's eyes whilst Johnny took away the blindfold stopping Ian from been able to see. "Welcome to our humble abode." Lee said with a comical bow as Faye looked around taking in the sights. A small gathering of women were sat with some children, keeping them entertained. Men and older boys were training in combat whilst a group of older girls were using bows and arrows at targets. "There are more of you." Ian said as Lisa smirked. 
"Yes amazingly the tyrants taxes don't just affect 3 people!" She said with a hint of merriment in her voice. "Are you a princess?" A small voice asked and Faye looked down to see a small dark haired girl gazing up. "No sweet girl. I'm not." Faye said as Lee scooped up the girl. 
"This is Daisy." He said as the little girl seemed happy in his arms.
"Is she yours?" Faye asked as looked at the gentle look on her captor's face.
"No, she's the daughter of our in camp cook. Claire was the daughter of a household worker." Lee said as Faye furrowed her brow.
"You had lands then, an estate." She muttered.
"Once I did. no longer though as you can see." Lee said as Ian had been taken to see the training in action, Lisa and Johnny on his heels to ensure he didn't run off or ask questions which might eventually cause their discovery.

"My lady, I trust you now understand why we do what we have to. We have people here, innocent children and such who simply wish to live."
"Do you kill people?" Faye asked softly as the sound of the river echoed through the clearing of the forest where she had been led. "Not if we don't have to. Occasionally we do have to protect ourselves." Lee said as Faye bit her lip.
"Wi...will she be taught to fight?"
"That little girl at the camp, will she end up like that woman who was holding her spear to my side?" Faye asked.
"It's not a game, we don't do things for the fun of it. Daisy will be taught to protect herself and those she cares about." Lee said as Faye sighed.
"You my lady, you are not ignorant nor stupid. You know the dangers of females in this society, Daisy needs to be able to hold her own if needs must." Lee said as Faye blinked back tears.

"I swear we need to stop targeting carriages, Lee is such a romantic, it was inevitable he'd find himself lured in with a pair of pretty eyes." Lisa mused as she sat on a tree stump watching as Ian was telling jokes to some of the men who laughed in gruff tones. "He'd not daft Lisa, he's probably giving her a sob story and she'll hand over those jewels without complaint." Johnny said as he rubbed her shoulder. The loss of his family had been hard but Lisa and he were getting closer and she was helping heal the rawness of his grief.

"Sir, I should be heading back now, you told my Governess I should be back before nightfall." Faye said as she looked at the fading sun.
"I can hardly allow you to leave without feeding you. No doubt you still have a fair journey." Lee said as Faye nodded. "I believe so."
"Then let us at least share a meal with you and your coachman before leading you back to your ride."

"Miss, here." A smiling blonde said handing Faye a wooden mug with a sweet wine in it.
"You have skill my lady, to make such wonders with what you have available. Why I have not eaten a meal as good in many a year." Faye said kindly as the woman blushed.
"Thank you my lady." She said as she turned back to serve the others. Faye smiled softly as she captured sight of Ian singing lewd songs along with several others, a fiddler strumming along whilst the glow of the fire lit the faces of the men and women. "You know, mayhaps I have riches but you have true wealth here. You care for each other far more than I have yet to see in powerful houses." Faye said as she sipped her wine.

"Here, take this." Faye said as she and Ian were led back to their carriage. The sun had now set and torches simply led the way through the trees. Ian had headed to the horses leaving Faye with Lee for a moment. She twisted a ring from her finger and handed it to Lee.
"My lady I am much obliged." He smiled as he kissed her hand that she held the ring in. HIs hand snaked round her waist and pulled her to him as their lips met. "I told you!" Lisa commented from the overgrown grasses she was hiding behind. "Apologies my lady, but you handed me the ring and so I as a outlaw, had to maintain my reputation and steal something, a kiss seemed appropriate." Lee said as he saw the slight flush on the woman's cheeks. "Perhaps we shall see you on your return from your journey." He said with a wink as Faye looked down hiding her smile. His kiss had been hungry and urgent, a far cry from the kisses of her intended. "If you fancy rescuing a damsel in distress at any time sire, Redwyn Castle might require someone of your services." She whispered as she departed heading to the carriage that awaited. 

"What was that about?" Lisa asked as they headed back to the outlaws hideout. Lee simply whistling happily. "I think Lisa my dear you may be right. We may have stolen some jewels and silk today but I think a certain young maiden has stolen someone's heart." Johnny said as Lee almost wandered into a tree, his mind preoccupied with the hint of mischief in the golden-haired maiden's eyes. Her almost invitation to come and steal her away. 

Genuinely really enjoyed writing this one, at one point I was pondering a Utopian Handmaid's Tale style for this chapter but I much preferred writing this one. I was tempted to have a further chapter or two with archery contest and Lee's chosen prize been Faye but would not have gone under 2000 words and generally try and do them under that word limit if possible. Claire had to be the outlaws cook, she'd hate the archery aspect and is overall too nice but can definitely picture Lisa happily involved in the holdups. In my head I fathom H kind of wants to join even though he hasn't got things too badly been a coachman. He simply would like the cameraderie. Anyway hope anyone reading enjoys. Any ideas for future updates as ever are welcome. 

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