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Lisa practically ran full sprint, the magazine shot she had found she knew she needed to show the others, well all except a certain member of the group. "Lisa what the hell!" Tim shouted as Lisa slowed down somewhat hoping their manager wouldn't ask questions, especially not in regards to why she was holding a magazine that was almost 4 years out of date. "Sorry Tim, I must have read my watch wrong. I thought I was running late." She said in the hope he would simply shrug off her lame excuse. Thankfully he did and she got into the studio to spot H and Faye already there. Faye sipping a takeaway coffee as H was bouncing around in an effort to warm up. "Morning." Faye said still half asleep as she sat on a wooden bench, her long blonde hair in a loose plait ready for their routine rehearsals. "You guys you'll never guess what I found!" Lisa gushed as H furrowed his brow slightly. "What?""Well I was at the salon getting my hair done, they had a pile of mags I was flicking through and you'll never ever guess what I found in one of them!" She said as Faye looked bemused at her friend.

"Here look!" Lisa said as she handed Faye the magazine and watched the blonde's blue eyes widen. "Lisa!" She said in a harsh voice as H tried to peek to see what the fuss was over only to have Faye promptly close the magazine. "What is it!" H asked as he tried to take the magazine from her hand but she clutched onto it and eventually losing patience smacked him around the head with the rolled up item. "Lise, wh...what are you doing?""Oh come on, like you wouldn't have brought it in if you'd have spotted it." Lisa ventured as Faye shook her head. "No I wouldn't.""What is it?" H asked again in urgency as Lisa scratched her nose. "It's not right Lise, I get having a laugh bu...but this isn't fair." Faye said firmly as H rolled his eyes in annoyance at the fact he was still no closer to finding out what had caused the issue. "You are so boring sometimes. Just because you have a fella an...and a house together you don't have to act like you're 30 odd." Lisa said as Faye tutted and simply went to sit in the corner. H furrowed his brow not used to seeing Lisa and Faye argue. They usually were partner's in crime so it had to be something big to have upset the status quo.

Lee arrived a few minutes later looking somewhat oddly as he spotted Lisa sending subtle glowers towards Faye who was clearly annoyed at something. "What's gone on with these two?" He asked as H shrugged. "Something about a magazine, god knows." He admitted knowing there was seemingly very little at all to have caused the issue. "What time you reckon Clara's getting in?" He mused, a running joke that Claire was always the last one in. "I'm going to go see Faye, see if she's alright." Lee mused as he hated seeing any of the girls upset and despite trying her hardest Faye looked on the verge of tears. Lee put his bag down and headed to the corner where Faye was sat her knees hugged close to her. "Hey Fifi. Where's my smiley bandmate?" Lee asked as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Faye mustered a weak smile. "Are you ill or something hmm?" Lee asked as Faye shook her head. "H mentioned a magazine, that it." Lee asked as he glanced at the item she had in her hand.
"Yeah, don't let H see it." Faye said softly. "Wh...what's in it?" Lee asked genuinely perplexed. "You." Faye said in a soft whisper. Lee smiled softly. "And that makes you want to cry. Jeeze I must have been having a rough day." Lee mused as Faye shook her head. "It wa...wasn't from now, from been in the band. It was from before." She uttered as she silently passed Lee the magazine. "Don't look at it in here." She said sensing H would bound over in order to find out what had caused the upset.

"Morning guys, sorry I'm late, I bought flapjacks though." Claire said cheerfully as she wandered through a cake tin in hand. "Oh Clara!" H said in mock annoyance though immediately heading over to her. Claire immediately picked up on the odd vibe. Lee and Faye hushed whispering in a corner whilst Lisa was warming up on her own. "Have I missed something?" Claire asked as H shrugged. "Something about a magazine article, Faye got well annoyed by it." H explained as he made to grab for one of the treats. "Seriously?""Yeah she proper lost her temper with Lise." H added as he chewed on a piece of flapjack. "Weird." Claire said not used to the pair falling out.

"Is something going on with you lot?" The choreographer asked as Faye brushed past Lisa with a sullen look on her face. They'd been rehearsing for almost 2 hours and there was definitely a strange tension in the dance studio. Lee, H and Claire felt somewhat awkward as they went through the routine for the upcoming new single. "Right I think we'll take a break, Lisa, Faye if you can maybe go over whatever the issue is and come back in half an hour with less of an attitude." He said as the pair looked at him with less than impressed looks.

After the choreographer left Faye made ready to grab her jacket and go outside but Claire took her hand. "He's right you know. We need to rehearse and well we can't go through a day with you two like this." She said gently as Lisa pouted. "I didn't mean to upset her, I didn't genuinely think she'd be that annoyed." Lisa said as Faye shook her head. "I don't think bringing in half naked photos of each other is something to be overjoyed about!" Faye shot back then looked angry at herself. "Naked pictures!" H said as Lee sighed. "Look Faye's angry on my behalf, it's my picture." Lee said as Claire gaped. "When?""I was 19, they offered a decent amount in fairness. I'm not proud of it bu...but I get why Faye's angry." Lee said as H smirked. "Can we see?""No." Lee said firmly as H pouted. "Still doesn't explain why you bit my head off!" Lisa said sulkily from a seat as she sipped her water. "Becaus...becaus..." Faye stammered. Claire bit her lip slightly. "Fuf, did you do something like this?" She asked timidly as Faye nodded slightly.

"What?" Lisa said seemingly shocked. "I was abroad an...and this guy he...he seemed interested in me. Said he was a photographer an...and well I was young an and stupid an...and thought he was a decent person." She said softly almost in a whisper. Lee had his arm round her shoulder sensing that she was recalling something bad. "He...he never said anything about stripping off for a shoot. I...I got there an...and he started by taking just normal shots, candid pictures. He was chatty an...and seemed like a genuine guy, a professional." Faye said as she looked down. "The...then when I thought he'd don...he...he..." Faye shook her head slightly. "It's okay Fuf, you don't have to tell us if you don't want." Claire said gently as she gave Faye's hand a gentle squeeze. "No i...it's okay. He er...he told me th...that I could go once I'd done the shot, th...that he didn't want to lose his temper an...and well I ju...I was scared." Faye said as she looked down. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Lisa said softly, hating that she had been instrumental in bringing up a bad memory for her friend. "No, I...I just did what he asked. I didn't know wha...what else to do." Faye said. "A few weeks later my friend found me an...and showed me that one of the blokes had said he'd got a magazine an...and I was in it, a photo of me topless." Faye said as Lee clenched his fist angrily.

"He...he didn't do anything else did he?" Claire asked worried for her friend as Faye shook her head. "No, I ju...I was so embarrassed, Mum had told me before I left tha...that I should be careful, tha...that not everyone in the world who seems good has good intentions. I should have listened not let his little compliments get into my head." Faye said as Lisa shook her head.
"You did nothing wrong Faye, he did.""I know that bu...but it doesn't stop me worrying that somewhere there's copies of my topless photos, that someone might flog them to the papers.""If that happens so what, it doesn't change you as a person." H said. "Besides no offence I think there's quite a few fella's who'd not complain.""H you're not helping!" Claire said sternly as Faye giggled slightly at H's words. "He's right, I'm stressing about something so stupid and small in relation to other things." Faye said as she mustered a smile and gratefully accepted the glass of water Lee had fetched her. "Lise, I'm sorry I was in a fowl mood with you, I know you never intended to upset me or anything." Faye said as Lisa squeezed her friend's hand. "Thank god for this, you two falling out was weird." Claire said as she put her arms round both her female bandmates. "Now you two have made up any chance I can have a gander at this picture of Lee?" H said as he was met with four identical glares.

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