Shaken, not stirred

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Lee Latchford Evan's found himself zoning out slightly as his superior go through the next assignment. Been one of the member's of MI5 was demanding and he had hoped that after the recent events he might be allowed a short respite. Still by the sounds of Mr Waterman that wasn't going to happen any time soon. "..and though we doubt they are the masterminds of the operation they are the face of the brand, either they are involved or else know those who are involved in the operations." Mr Waterman said as pressed a remote and brought up a picture of 3 rather pretty females.
"This is what has become know as a Triple Threat, they sing, dance and the tall blonde she's currently starring in a soap opera. They've been releasing chart songs which appear to have questionable messages in them when played backwards." Pete said as Lee smirked slightly.
"Like what, is this like that Beatles song you play backwards and it says 'Paul is dead.'" He ventured although ceased the laughter when Pete glowered at him. "No, indeed the messages are somewhat more sinister. I trust you have heard of the music mogul Simon Cowell."
"Who hasn't, though I can't admit to liking much of his productions." Lee said.
"Well these three are storming the charts. Under the alias Lucid Angels, they have been releasing songs when played backwards releasing rather dubious lyrics."

Lee sat back in his seat bemused as Pete turned off the Music Video. "As you can see there is clearly political motivation in the lyrics and the video. Our research shows that whilst Mr Cowell seemingly offers bubble gum, throwaway pop there is actually a much more sinister undertone to his products." "Presents it in rather a good looking package." Lee added still watching the screen frozen on the 3 singers. 2 Blondes and a Brunette. "We've done our research on the 3 ladies involved. Seems they were all at one point involved in Government agencies. Lisa Scott Lee worked for Intelligence in the Welsh Capital specialising in weapons, Claire Richards was a MI6 Hacker and Faye, well Faye Tozer was one of ours, she had progressed in the MI5 Counter Terrorism division and was top of her class, then one day simply disappeared."
"Mind control?" Lee asked.
"Possibly, or that they were intending on having insiders. All I know is that those three young ladies were all at one point involved in high Government jobs and then gone. Next thing they are on screen pushing songs that have Subliminal Messaging in the lyrics. Not to mention their song titles, Requiem for a Stolen Dream, Zombie Nation." Pete said. "True they may present the songs in a bouncy, pop manner but the lyrics reveal quite a divisive message. Promoting anarchy and rebellion."
"To achieve what?" Lee asked. Pete opened the drawer of his desk.

"Mr Cowell has put forward a desire to lead a political party. Seems dominance in the music industry is no longer enough." Pete said as he nodded towards the door. Ian Watkins has been working on infiltrating the network undercover as a PR executive. He's going to be our inway to the music company. "And me?""We're going to be marketing you as the next big find." Pete said as Lee balked. "Excuse me!" Lee said almost spitting out the water he had been sipping. "Come on, I haven't forgotten the work Christmas party, you on the karaoke. It's a role Lee, not your next vocation." Pete said as Lee rolled his eyes slightly. "Hi, you already look like a popstar." Ian enthused rather overtly as Lee wrinkled his nose. "I'm not getting out of this am I!"

Simon nodded at his girl group. Lucid Angels were the hottest thing in the charts. Admittedly their own lucidity was questionable at times thanks to their programmed computer chips. His cronies had swooped when the 3 had been operatives for the government. They'd drugged them initially, all three women had been extremely feisty when lucid and angered at their kidnapping. Eventually with the use of drugs they'd stopped fighting the guards and the chips had been fitted, chips stopping their own free will and thoughts. Now they did only what they were programmed to do. "My pretty girls, tomorrow you have a performance at the star studded charity benefit. This is going to be watched by millions around the world. My chance to start the destruction of the establishment to allow the path for me to take over." Simon chuckled as he started over the view of London from his large office, high above the London streets.

"Okay sound check ladies." One of the management shouted as Claire stood up clad in her rehearsal attire. Denim shorts and a ribbed vest top. Faye was tying a ribbon around her messy curls and smiled in a fixed way as she almost walked into a dark haired male. "Oh..." She stammered as her head slightly tilted in a snapped manner. "Sorry Miss,'re in that girl group right." Lee said as he had noticed a slight metallic shine just behind her ear. It wasn't a earring. He scanned it with his x-ray sunglasses and sent the data to their hacking department to see if they could recognise it or better find a way to override the device.

(To the tune of Deeper Shade of Blue)

"Now there's a darker deep issue,
And you don't know what to do.
So we need another plan, ohh another plan, plan, plan ohhhh.

Summer is over,
And all our dreams are gone.
We're gonna rebel now,
Try tell us that we're wrong."

Lee sat watching the sound check, the music video playing in the background. "Any feedback?" He asked as Ian nodded. "Subliminal messaging, in the video if you freeze frame on the chorus when they sing another plan. There's a very very quick still of Simon Cowell. So quick but unknowingly people will have caught it." "Any idea how to stop this. I'm guessing he opted for them to be in the charity as there is royalty and other important people attending but also there will be a large global audience. "I looked at a power out but there's a back up system in place. If head office could override it then we may be in with a chance." Ian explained as Lee sighed. "Which one's taken your fancy then?" Ian asked as Lee balked slightly.
"Come on, three pretty lasses, you cannot tell me one of them doesn't float your boat." Ian said as Lee rolled his eyes. "For myself the little Welsh Scrumpet. Tiny but fierce I'm guessing." H said as he looked thoughtful. "For you though I'm guessing the curly blonde. You'd want to protect the main one because she looks so much younger but the taller one she'd be the one you want." Ian said firmly. "And you know that how exactly?"
"Because you haven't taken your eyes off her that whole performance, even when she wasn't the one singing." Ian said with knowing smile.

"So Reece has got back in touch, after running the photo through zoom and x-ray seems the metal you saw is a control chip also known as a MC13292Z it blocks independent thought and allows mind control via visual and audio programming. It should be imbedded deeper into the subject but for some reason Faye's isn't, it's possible with inserting it through a mess of curls they thought it was further imbedded that it was." Ian said.
"And how do we extract it?" Lee mused. "An accident. We need to get them to need hospital treatment." Ian said as Lee turned to him. "You want me to harm them? I can't whatever they are doing I can't harm them."
"Not hurt too badly, but enough that we need an ambulance, then we can get our guys in." Ian mused as Lee sighed. "Fine, Do we have any background on any allergies, underlying injuries. Stuff we can work with?"
"Claire has an allergy to shellfish." Ian offered as Lee looked unimpressed at the notion.

He wasn't sure how he managed it, though with Ian's help they had managed to make all three girls significantly harmed to need an ambulance to arrive. Poor Claire's lips looked as though she had been stung by a bee or wasp. Lisa had a swollen ankle and Faye had a knock to her forehead. "We ha..have a song to do!" Lisa complained as Lee shushed her.
"Not on that ankle you don't. You too Miss, your head looks quite sore." Lee said his attention focused on the blonde. "We...we have to perform, we need to sing." Faye said in a robotic manner. "Well perhaps later." Lee said as he had somehow managed to stop Cowell's minions to come in the ambulance. Johnny was acting as one of the paramedics and smiled slightly at the brunette. "Wow tough assignment." He said mockingly, in a low whisper to Lee who shook his head.
"Let's get them out of here first hmm."

"Good work 05678." Pete said as he surveyed the three matching microchips that had been extracted from the women. "Thank you sir."
"The ladies seem to be regaining their own memories and rather unexpectedly can also recall some of their reprogramming and events whilst under mind control." Pete said as Lee nodded. "Seems one of them you have taken a keen interest in, Miss Tozer stated you had visited her 4 times already." Pete said with a smirk.
"What, I'm intrigued with what happened, not to mention that they did have rather nice voices."
"Oh that's what your interested in, singing!" Pete chuckled as Lee headed off back to the hospital for another rendezvous with the rather delectable blonde. 

A slight Bond/Kingsman/Stepford Wives inspired one-shot. Loved Lee in James Bond role, and I couldn't rid myself of the idea of Simon Cowell as a evil genius intent on taking over via the median of music. I got the name Lucid Angels from a website that gave ideas for group names and if I ever decide on making a run for the charts I'm nabbing it. Such a great band name. 

I also really liked the Deeper Shade of Blue Homage, admittedly didn't change much but managed to get the few lines to fit in when I sang it in my head. Apologies for not writing exactly how they got the girls to have such unfortunate luck they all needed hospitalisation but I leave that to your own devices, would live to read your ideas on what he did do. H was such an adorkable sidekick. Hope you enjoy. 

Couldn't find a suitable S for picture but the silhouettes are often linked with the Bond Franchise and so you have the Stepsters instead.   

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