Ticked Off AKA 5 lectures by Management

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H's eyes darted around the office, his attention fixed on one of those office swinging ball things on the desk that was moving hypnotically. "Ian, are you listening to me?" Tim asked as H shook his head slightly. "Sorry you were saying?""This ridiculous fight in the papers with Westlife, I'm led to believe you were the one who started all this!" Tim said as he opened a paper to the page where it had the two groups pictures and a pair of boxing gloves. "What, they were sarcastic about us, are we not allowed to retaliate now! Besides we hardly said anything terrible did we!" H mused as Tim sighed. 

"This isn't good publicity."
"You said any publicity is good publicity." H countered as he looked slightly bored already at the lecture. "Can I go now?"
"No, Ian you understand that any unneeded publicity puts you in the spotlight and well certain questions come to light."
"About me, about my sexuality right?" H said rather irritated by Tim's words.

"It's important Ian, we need to present a certain image to the fans, to the public."
"I don't get the issue, we're probably the most camp group out there. Our video a few months back had us prancing around in bright yellow.""And that's all well and good but you're not stupid, even if you like to pretend at times you are. We're a family friendly band, that's the image we need to present and unfortunately homosexuality isn't seen that way yet. You know yourself the amount of people in the industry who are photographed with girls and go home to their boyfriends." Tim said. "I'm not sure how this went from you lecturing about a rift with some boyband to you of all people discussing my sexuality." H muttered.

"Listen I'm not angry at you having an opinion but can we not venture into some popstar rivalry, remember you both will appear on things like SMTV, Top of The Pops at the same time on occasions. Things need to at least be amicable, I'm not asking you to invite them for dinner.""Good because that'd be a big dinner party, us five, them, partners I'm not sure that we have enough plates." H said with a smirk as Tim arched an eyebrow. "Ian!"


Tim looked up as there was a soft tap on his door and he smiled slight as he spotted the blonde. Yet again sporting a new hairstyle, this time a set of straight blonde highlights. He had to admit she suited it. "You wanted to speak with me?" Faye said as Tim nodded beckoning her into the room. "Take a seat." He ventured as he asked if she wanted anything to drink. She shook her head slightly as he poured himself some water. "So?""Well, it's come to my attention that well things have changed somewhat for you personally.""My engagement?" Faye asked as she twisted the ring that for now she was wearing on her right hand, a hopeful attempt of evading those awkward questions. "Well that yes but I've read something I have some concerns about."

"Pregnancy right? Claire already asked, I felt a little bit bad for her that I had to tell her I wasn't. I think she already had little outfits in mind." Faye said with a small smile as she recalled the absolute excitement Claire had greeted her with that morning only for her to ask her why she was taking tabloid gossip seriously. "So it's not true.""No, I'm not stupid Tim, Jesper and I don't want children yet. Well he already has one but for now that's fine. So unless by accident it happens, which for your information is unlikely, then you shouldn't need to worry." Faye said rather icily in tone. "Well that's one issue out the way. And if you want my opinion you'll wait for a few years before kids," Tim said. Faye raised an eyebrow. "Didn't really ask for your opinion but thanks. So the other issue?""Are you leaving?"

"Leaving! I can't believe you've actually read that crap and thought it was true. I'm not leaving and do you not think I care about 4 people enough that I would have told them first?" Faye said as she pursed her lips. "I'm not going anywhere. Sure I'm pretty vocal that the music isn't exactly the stuff I'd listen to but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy what I do. Sure one day I'd like to do other things but this is still so amazing." "Well I just wanted to make sure, so I can respond in the press accordingly.""Can you not, let me.""Faye!" Tim said knowing the blonde could be somewhat cutting in tone when she wished. "What I'll be good, and I'm putting something on the website, it's not fair if fans read this and think it's true. Though that I could understand. I would have thought our manager might have had the decency to ask before jumping to conclusions." Faye said as she stood up, and headed out of the door.


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