1: Being a good person

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This is my own opinion, formed after years of learning and observing behaviors of others.

I don't believe that anyone is a good person or a bad person.
We all do good and bad things. And the things that determine whether something you do is good or bad, is subjective and differs from person to person.
You can't say for a fact whether someone is good or not, because you aren't able to judge that in an unbiased manner.

A lot of people try to live out their entire lives by being a good person. But it's not always that simple.
If you always volunteered for a charity just for the attention, you are doing a good thing but for bad reasons.
But I doubt that anyone ever does anything without a self-serving gain of some sort.
I don't think that's a bad thing.

People are allowed to take care of themselves and don't need to sacrifice their own needs for other people.
That doesn't necessarily make them a 'bad' person.

Being good is hardly ever rewarded. A lot of people think that if they're good their entire lives, they'll end up being rewarded in the afterlife.
So they're doing it in hopes of gaining something.
But if we are to assume that there is nothing after death, then bad people such as murderers go to the same place as saints do.

There is no action or being that is truly good or bad.

This is only my point of view on these things. Nothing more, I'm not challenging anyone's beliefs, only informing you of mine.

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