2: Religion

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In my opinion, no religion is correct or wrong.
People believe in what they believe and I can't tell them that they're wrong if I disagree with their views.

Christians believe in a god that is addressed with male pronouns. There are some pagans that believed that a god would be female due to a females ability to create life.
Some others believe in natural elements that all work together, such as fire, water, moon and sun and so on.

People all find themselves wanting hope for something, or wanting an explanation for the things that they don't understand. They seek it in a higher power.

Personally I'm agnostic, and I'm exploring various views on religion. I believe that there is some higher power from which life may have been created.
This has led me to reading from views that are unrelated to religion, to Wiccan views, to Islam beliefs.
All in all, I cannot say for a fact which religion is correct, if any of them are.
They're all interesting to learn about, and that's what is most important to me.

So I'm most likely going to continue learning about life and creation, but value the beliefs of my Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan and Islam friends.

This is only my point of view on these things. Nothing more, I'm not challenging anyone's beliefs, only informing you of mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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