Chapter 46 - ESCAPE

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Alex and Mandy were in bed having fun with each other when Danny suddenly burst into the room carrying a gun. The two of them sat up, startled and angry

''What the hell do you think you're doing bursting in here like that?'' Alex said angrily ''it's nearly midnight and Mand and I want to be alone so get out''

Danny showed them the gun and pointed it at them ''I'll go after I've shot you both dead'' he said, trying to sound calm and threatening but his voice couldn't hide the anxiety and fear he was feeling

''Get real bro, you won't shoot us and you know it, just put the gun down and stop being stupid''

''I am going to kill you and I mean it, you have both hurt me so much and you don't even care at all. I can't let this go unpunished, it hurt me too much, it's broken my heart''

''Oh, cry me a river and then drown in it'' Alex said mockingly, while looking at Danny's shaky hands ''your hands are a bit shaky there Dan, you're terrified and you know it, you haven't the bottle to do it, you're not a killer. Now I understand you're upset but just get the fuck over it ok. Mandy chose me so grow up and get over it and get the hell out of my room before I lose my temper''

''I hate you'' Danny hissed at him ''you have always been a bastard and you always steal what doesn't belong to you''

Mandy got out of bed and walked over to Danny ''Just give me the gun and crawl back under your rock Danny'' she told him cruelly ''I can't even stand to look at you anymore, you're pathetic'' Mandy took the gun from Danny, his hands were shaking uncontrollably by now and he didn't offer much of a fight to Mandy. Mandy kneed him hard in the balls and he bent over in agony ''Ah you bitch what was that for?'' he whined while clutching his balls ''You scared us with a gun so you deserved it, now go away loser, and in the future leave the guns for the big boys, I don't really think a baby boy as you should ever handle a gun''

Danny left the room and could hear the two of them laughing at him. Angry and sad he went downstairs, deciding he would raid Donald's drinks cabinet and get totally smashed. When he got downstairs, he got a shock when he caught Jake and Chloe in the kitchen, dressed and with their bags, filling up a bag with some food from the larder. Jake and Chloe were like rabbits in the headlights

''What do you two think you're doing?'' he asked

''We're running away together'' Chloe told him a matter of factly ''Jake and I are in love and we want to be together and I want to keep my baby and Jake will be free. Come on Dan you have to let us go and I know you want to, I know you wish you had let Jake escape last time'' Danny thought about Alex and Mandy together and how much they had hurt him and how much he hated them. He thought about how he regretted not letting Jake escape last time and how he had felt when Donald beat him with the strap. Suddenly the anger overwhelmed him and he was overcome with a fervent desire to get revenge on Alex, Mandy, and Donald and he knew how much setting Jake free would wind them up. He also knew that Chloe loved Jake and that she wanted to keep her baby but the others would make her give it up if she stayed.

''Get in the car'' he told them both ''I'll drive you to somewhere you can get away faster from, the further away you come sunrise the better''

''What if the others hear the car?'' Jake asked

''If the others hear they will just think I'm taking a late-night drive by myself, I've done that often enough, they won't suspect I've taken you two with me, come on get your things and we'll go now''

Danny drove them miles away and let them out next to a train station and some woods. ''The first train is at 5 am, you have to wait here but as soon as the first train arrives to get on it. You can go to London from here'' Danny went to the ATM and withdrew £300 and gave them another £200 that he already had in his wallet ''there's £500 there, it will pay for your tickets and there will be enough left for food and a hotel for a few nights, after that, you'll have to work out how to find the money for yourselves''

Jake and Chloe hugged Danny and Jake and Danny shook hands ''thanks man'' Jake told him ''You make sure you look after my sister ok?'' Danny told him ''I trust you and I know you are a good lad and you will look after her''

''I will I promise''

''Thanks for doing this'' Chloe said giving her brother a kiss ''I knew you would help us, you've always been my favorite brother, you were always different to Alex and Liam, those two were nasty and you were the nice one always''

''I hate Alex and our parents sometimes'' Danny said ''I hated Liam sometimes too if I'm honest. They've always been nasty and at times I go along with them but I regret it later on. Sometimes you just have to say that's enough now, just because they are family doesn't mean we have to agree with them and help them always''

''I feel the same way too'' Chloe said. They said their goodbyes and Chloe and Danny both got very emotional saying goodbye to each other. Danny left them at the train station, it was 1 am and they had to wait for another 4 hours for the first train to arrive. Could this really be it? Were Jake and Chloe really going to be free? Were they really going to board a train at 5 am and ride off to a new life together? How would they cope? It wasn't going to be easy even if they did manage it. Jake looked at his watch while they sat in the dark at the deserted train station. He couldn't help but feel just a little bit uneasy and anxious sitting here, the station was creepy like this, the dead of night and no one else about, and those dark creepy woods in the background. Jake wished they didn't have to wait another 4 hours for a train. he wished one was here right now so they could board it and be gone           

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