1 (KIDS)

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Before I start, this includes the kids so I just wanted to inform who all is there in case anyone doesnt know - 

Ziva Singh Dhoni

Zoravar Dhawan

Gracia Raina

Rhea Dhawan

Aliyah Dhawan

Nidhiyana Jadeja 

Hinaya Heer Plaha 

I could not remember anymore who are old enough to chat so if anyone of you know then you can tell me, I will add them in the future edition of KIDS if you guys like this one..

Happy reading...


Ziva -Hellloooooooooooooooo

Zoravar - We get that you are trying to say hi 

Ziva - Learn to be enthusiatic 

Zoravar - Learn your spellings first 

Ziva - Whatever

Gracia - Heyyyaaaa 

Zoravar - Why are you girls so enthusiastic while chatting?

Ziva - I understand your pain 

Zoravar - You are not the only girl in the group 

Ziva - Ya I didnt realize that 

Zoravar - Happy realization 

Hinaya - I finally got hold of mumma's phone 

Nidhiyana - Same 


Zoravar - What happened now drama queen?

Ziva - I will blast your head the next time you say that

Gracia - You do need some cool down classes from Mahi chachu, Ziva

Ziva - Nope I am good with PUBG classes

Nidhiyana - Mahi chachu is teaching you PUBG? How luckyyyy

Zoravar  - Back to topic what can you not believe Ziva?

Ziva - That we all are online at the same time 

Hinaya - Its so late at night, thats only how we managed to get our mumma's phones

Nidhiyana - Ya, mumma is always on her phone all day long 

Ziva - And daddy is on PUBG 

Zoravar - Dont even ask about me 

Ziva - no one did 

Hinaya - Z busting Z 

Gracia - You mean Ziva busting Zora

Hinaya - Too lazy to type 

Nidhiyana - Shit 

Ziva - Language Nidhi 

Gracia - You learnt this from Sakshi chachi 

Ziva - No from chotta bheem 

Gracia - ???

Ziva - Obviously I learnt it from her, both the shit and language 

Zoravar - Getting back to the point what happened Nidhi?

Nidhiyana - Papa was sleeping in the horse shed 

Aliyah- What?

Zoravar - When did you come?

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