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Ritika - Nush, can you keep Vi away from AB everytime you guys are being recorded 

Anushka - Why? WHat happened?

Ritika - Ro happened 

Anushka - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Nupur - Shit Are you on labour already? Dont you think its too early but? Never mind my hotel is not very far from yours, you want me to come?

Anushka - Thats was the I understood wala ahhh not the pain wala ahh

Nupur - Then okay 

Ritika - Can you do what I said ASAP cause Ro will annoy me to death by talking about how Virat doesnt love him and he hates AB and he is telling all their secrets to AB and what not. 

Anushka - Ro is like a jealous girlfriend. 

Ritika - I know I wonder why we two are married to Ro and Vi and why they are not married to each other instead. 

Aesha - The answer is simple , they have the friendship love between them and Ritsy and Ro and Vi and Anushka have the love love between them 

Anushka - I swear now even I am annoyed how dare Vi not listen to his me 

Sakshi - Cheeku is mad, I told him the first rule of becoming a dad that his never tell no to your pregnant wife and he is now making the biggest mistake of his life 

Anushka - I am going to now pull him out of where he is and lock him in the room, I am that angry he told me no thrice 

Prithi - Calm your hormones down 

Ritika - Divert your mind 

Natasa - Lets discuss names for your baby 

Aesha - Take deep breaths calm down 

Anushka - I am fine girls I am not going to talk to VI for some time now 

Ritika - As long as you are happy you can do that 

Sakshi- Spare my kiddo yaar, he must be busy 

Anushka - YOU are not taking his side, he refused me 3 times, can you imagine 3 whole times 

Nupur - Is it possible to refuse for 3 half times?

Anushka - You know I didnt mean that 

Aesha - Nups be a little careful, you are talking like the ICT, we need to stay sane remember

Ritika - Calm down and ignore him for a day and then when he realizes that you are ignoring him then ignore him even more and then when he gets desperate to talk to you shout at him and he will never say no again 

Sakshi - All of you are plotting against my poor kiddo 

Anushka - Great idea Ritsy and Sakshi bhabhi not again he is not poor come on 

Ritika- Welcome and now get Vi away from AB or you will have to attend my funeral anytime soon 

Pankhuri - Chill its RCB vs MI today, ROHIRAT will have their reunion finally 

Sakshi - Cheeku is just trying to make Ro jealous and Ro gets jealous also even today they will not meet properly in front of all so it seems there is a RIFT 

Anushka - That RIFT drama is another head ache 

Ritika - Seriously its such a big head ache cause both of them wont let us meet as well until we agree to show that they have a rift

Prithi - You two seriously need to find a solution to that 

Anushka - You think we havent tried?

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