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Anushka - Wassuppp ladies 

Ritika - With Ro sleeping nothing at all 

Radhika - Tell us one time Ro is not sleeping 

Ritika - When Sam is awake 

Nupur - Awwww thats sweet 

Ritika - Sweet my foot, the two of them stay awake only to irritate me 

Radhika - Cant help but relate 

Anushka - Kids are so sweet you two are being so harsh on them 

Nupur - I totally agree, kids are gods creation 

Ayesha - say all this after your kid teams up with your husband to annoy you

Ritika - What did Zora do now?

Ayesha - This father son duo have teamed up against me like so bad

Nupur - Zora is too sweet to team up against anyone

Ayesha - Major misconception Nupur, when with Shikh no one is sweet 

Anushka - Oh please Rhea and Aliyah are the sweetest beings on earth 

Ayesha - Before they started planning conspiracies against me yes 

Ritika - Conspiracy sounds pretty harsh 

Ayesha - Say that after you hear what they 4 did 

Radhika - We are all ears 

Sakshi - She means all eyes 

Preethi - I love how we all are only for some tea right in time 

Pankhuri - Anything important I am here too 

Ayesha - A great audience to share my tale with 

Anushka - We are honored to be your audience

Ayesha - So Rhea and Aliyah are in Australia and we are India, unfortunately we couldnt travel to Australia to be with them but they are big and responsible so I was less worried, but I was still tensed so was Shikhar. Yesterday Shikhar came running to me with Zora and 

Ritika - And...

Pankhuri - I smell something damn interesting continue 

Anushka - They story is just getting better second by second

Ayesha - Patience ladies 

Sakshi - Now even I am getting impatient 

Ayesha - So they both came running and Shikhar started rambling that he called Aliyah and while talking Rhea screamed loudly and Aliyah's phone fell down and they could hear screaming voices 

Radhika - Shit 

Preethi - What actually happened?

Anushka - Are they okay?

Ayesha - The told that they didnt cut the call yet and Zora started crying too, I took the phone from him and I could hear Aliyah and Rhea scream at which Zora cried even louder 

Pankhuri - Can you not create suspense? 

Anushka - Exactly its killing me here 

Radhika - You make films that do have suspense so experience what we might be feeling when you actors create suspense on screen 

Anushka - It sounds like you guys are taking revenge on me for that 

Sakshi - Can be true or cannot be true, its up to you, Ayesha stop the suspense and continue 

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