Chapter 11

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Raymond's POV

I was walking in the hallway of the building when all the sudden I can hear loud cheerings and laughters coming from the main room. I ran and burst inside. Everyone stared at me and I looked at screen. It's Camila kissing Normani's cheek.

"Finally! Raymond! It's happening." Betty said, one of my co-workers.

"I know!" I screamed and hugged her.

"Thank you for making it happen." One of my co-workers said.

"But it's a good thing yiy didn't intervene!" One them yelled.

"Nope, I didn't. I just offered them the cafe and nothing else." I said "I didn't know that Camila would be going there today." I explained.

"You know, that they are our last chance." Leah said sternly, the co-worker that never celebrates unless it's truly a success.

"We know, but atleast after 8 months there's a progress between the two." Betty said while readjusting her glasses.

"Just so you guys know, they are young and no nothing of real and true love." Leah said. The other members excused themselves to go to their designated rooms. They know that this conversation is between me, Leah and Betty. We started this organization after all.

"So? we have tried two older couples before, that we thought would save us and our families but guess what? They were tempted and gave up to go back to, unlike Normani she goes back and remembers everything." I said.

"Also, this will be our last chance, if Normani stayed and forgot about Camila, the Martians will invade the Earth and none of us, workers of this organization will ever return to their families." Leah said with tears in her eyes.

"I miss my family too. Don't you know how much it hurts to see them walking in the street, knowing that they don't know who you are?" I screamed. I looked at Leah and she wiped her cheeks furiously, Betty stayed quiet like always, crying too.

"All of us that is in here, have lost our loved ones, so don't you dare act as if you're the only one that misses them. We are celebrating because of progress, we are seeing hope that one day, we will prove to those Martians that True love exists, and that Normani and Camila both feel it in their hearts, that one day they will return in each other's arms and we will finally be with our families." I said and walked away. Betty followed me and gathered the others.

I invited every worker for a feast because of the progress. "Tonight, we will dine, because there's a new way of hope, one day and hopefully soon Camila and Normani will realize their love for each other so that we can prove to those Martians that True love do exist in our world. That hopefully soon we will return to our beloved family and be with them. Don't give up, we will be with them." I said and raised my wine glass. Everyone did as well and we cheered because who knows maybe, one day we will return to our family because of true love.

*Two days Later*

Camila's POV

Those two days are yet the best. I spent those tow days with Normani in the cafe. Normani has a very wonderful voice, and a very creative mind. It's as if she sees everything in a very poetic way. Tonight though, I invited her for dinner at my house. She agreed so right now, I'm debating of I should wear a dress or casual. I did tell Normani that she should wear something casaul and don't have to break a sweat of wearing a dress.

So why am I stressing myself if I should wear a dress or not? Oh my gosh... I bet she will look so pretty like always. What if I'm gonna wear a dress and she thinks that I am over dressed? Gosh. Why am I even bothering? It's not like she's my girlfriend or my crush, maybe ok, fine, she's my crush. Ugh! I don't know. Do I like Normani? Or do I not like Normani.

I have a girlfriend for Pete's sake! And Normani do too. OMG what if she invited Claire to tag along? Gosh..... This is so much for me. I then hear a knock and I quickly put a pineapple legging with white sweater and I let my hair lose. I quikly ran downstairs to open the door and found Normani with a bright smile.

"Hi," She said and smile. She is wearing a regular jeans with a crop top that shows her amazing abs. Her hair is also dipped blue and I can't help but to admire her beauty. She is holding a teddy bear and a boquet of flowers.

"You shouldn't have." I said.

"No, This is for you," She said and handed me a bear, I hugged it and it's a banana scented teddy bear. "And this flowers are for your mom." She said.

"Come in then." I said.

"Thank you." She said and walked in.

"Oh, hey, Normani." My mom said and gave her a smile.

'This is for you, Mrs. Cabello." Normani said and handed her the flowers.

"How did you know that I love tulips?" My mom said, shocked. "Also call me Sinu."

"I took my guesses." Normani said confidently and I can't help but to be mesmirized.

Narrator's POV

Mr. Cabello is in anther business trip so it was just Camila, Normani and Sinu sitting, eating and conversing.

Sinu took the chance to observe between the two. I mean she's a heck of an observer she knows how to look, for feelings or for love. At frist she sees the smile the two shared together. It was joyful that even their eyes are smiling as well. Then there are the blushes in every compliments or if they got caught looking at each other for a little bit too long.

Sinu of course was not expecting the look Normani is giving to her daughter, what she expected was adoration, but what she saw is something more than that, it was pure adoration and something more. Sinu of course knows what love is but she just can't admit it to herself that it's possible for Normani to love her daughter in the span of two days of meeting each other.

Then, a flash of memory returned to her, Normani and Camila cuddling in their couch, watching Frozen. Sinu was shocked so she started to choke on her drink.

"Mom, are you ok?" Camila asked from across her. Normani stood up and patted her back. The way Normani sooth her back feels as if it's an old thing. It wasn't foreign at all.

"I'm ok, I just chocked on my drink." She said and smiled. The memory flash isn't surpring anymore for Sinu, she finally remembered everything, but she is wondering how the heck did this happen? Explanation then started to go inside of her brain, it's fromt he organiztion and Sinu is more than happy to know the whole truth. It was another progress that Sinu remembered everything because of observing the love between the two of them and she is beyond happy that she knows Normani truly loved her daughter.

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