Chapter Eleven

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"Good job" Henri nodded. "Okay, so we are going to practice some new things" Henri smiled at me. "You are doing awesome so we are going to move rather quickly."

"Cool" I wiped my hands. He had given me a pair of black gloves with grip so it was easier to hang onto the knives. They weren't very useful to me but they did look really cool. The training uniform for knives was very practical. It consisted of black cargo pants and black t-shirt. On the back of the t-shirt were three knives to show the logo that I was going to participate in the Ranks.

There was a black halter around my right leg with extra knives. My gloves were for only the first two fingers and my thumb. He was making me practice with both hands.

"So in a couple of weeks I want to start knife throwing"

"Sure, sounds good" I shrugged. We were walking towards some of the rooms.

"On each other" he added slowly. I stopped walking.


"Yeah, I want to see how good your aim is" Henri gave me a small smile. "It isn' difficult. You should have know problem with it. You are hitting your target easily"

"Can we not do that- I mean"

"You choose it, Iris. I can't modify it. I tried to but it is part of training and I'm one of the best at it."

"What if it goes badly?" The idea was making me nervous. So far we've had target practice with bulls-eyes not people.

"It won't, be confident in yourself. You are killing it. Pretty soon you wont' need me at the rate you are going"

"I doubt that" I smiled at him. His smile slowly grew.

"So what are you doing later in the evening, want to have dinner together?"

"I can't" I made a face. "I have repetitions for a week."

"Ouch why?" he blinked at me. "We got back to your dorm on time on Saturday"

"Not because of that" I shook my head. He started to program a room. "In class, we were late and we all get repetitions including some Second Series students."

"Glad I gave up that life" he met my eyes. "Ready, pupil."

"Yes sir" I adjusted my halter. "I'm so excited."

He explained the programming to me. I had to get as many moving targets as possible within an allotted time. The chest had the highest percentage of points.

It was difficult especially since the simulations were moving fast. It was difficult to move quickly and throwing the knife was even harder.

"Not too bad" Henri looked at the score. "You could have done better" I wiped my forehead "I think we are going to have to throw some running sessions in there"

"Oh not you too" I groaned falling to the ground. "I'm going to hate you" I peered up at him.

"Not too much though so you will still want to go out with me."

"Oh no" I laughed at him. Henri held out his hand so I could get back up. He jerked me upwards and I landed against him.

"Once I hate someone then that's it" I mumbled. He was holding me against him.

"Really" his eyebrows sprang up.

"Yup, I won't even want to look at you" i gulped nervously. I felt his arm slowly wound around my waist. "Let alone work out with you."

"We'll make the running sessions fun" Henri eyes were gleaming. His lips were twitching. "We can run together, and they will be short just so you can build some endurance."

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