The Great Diamond Authority

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Forks and korks, sporks, foons, looks and baboons.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BELOW IS NOT MY ORIGINAL STORY. As much as I love (dismantling the empire?) writing this, Steven Universe belongs to Rebecca Sugar completely. Please don't think I'm some sort of original genius, because even though I'm writing a story of my own, this previous one is NOT MY CONTENT. But, yes, I wrote this, and it's over 20,000 words.

"Once upon a time, the Gem Homeworld was ruled by Diamonds; White, Yellow, Blue, and the littlest Diamond, Pink. While the other Diamonds conquered many worlds across the galaxy, Pink had only one, the planet Earth. One day, Pink fled the comforts of Homeworld. On Earth, she made a new home, new friends, and finally, new life, giving up her Gem to bequeath it to her half-human son.

"Without Pink, Gemkind entered an era of despair, but when Steven Universe learned of his heritage, he reunited with his fellow Diamonds and championed a new era of peace and freedom across the furthest reaches of space.

"And now, dear Gems everywhere, I'm pleased to announce that Steven is finally ready to take his rightful place on Pink Diamond's throne!"

White Diamond put her book on her lap and looked at Steven expectantly. Inside the Diamond Palace, Steven had come to try and tell the other Gems in the universe that they needed to calm down. His mother had been a Diamond, but had run away from Homeworld, faking her own death and going to live on Earth under the guise of Rose Quartz. She then fought against the enemy Homeworld Gems, forming a band called the Crystal Gems he was now a part of. Thousands of Gems looked down upon Pink Diamond, feeling disgusted. They didn't understand why she would want to leave Homeworld. They had thought Steven was secretly Pink Diamond in disguise, including the three remaining Diamonds. But, as if by a miracle, they finally seemed to understand that he was Steven, not Pink Diamond, or Rose Quartz.

The three Diamonds that were left, Blue, Yellow and White, were torn apart at Pink's betrayal and were now insisting that Steven stayed with them as a living memory of his mum. They just didn't understand that he already had a home, friends, and a family he needed to see.

Steven looked up into White's grey eyes, then his mother's pink throne, and then at the Gem recording him. "Uh... how's it going, everybody?" he said awkwardly to the Gem camera. He didn't think that the Gems outside would accept him and swore he could feel their eyes staring at him hungrily. "I know you all might be thinking of me as the new Pink Diamond... there has been a lot of confusion concerning her, and my, identities. But you don't have to put me on a throne, and please don't hold against me what someone else did that had nothing to do with me. I already have a rightful place, and it's on Earth."

Blue, Yellow, and White leaned forward.

"Huh?" Blue said.

"What... ?" Yellow said slowly.

Steven continued. "It's a beach house where I live with my friends, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl." The message broadcasted all over the world, and Gems who he couldn't see stared intently at the message, especially one. "As much as I love dismantling the Empire and saving your planet, I can't wait to get home and spend some quality time with my friends."

White looked shocked, then unamused. "Cut the feed," she snapped at Yellow and Blue Pearl, who obeyed.

"Your time is up anyway," Yellow Pearl snarked at Steven, turning back to her screen and shutting down the broadcast, nose held high. Blue's Pearl snickered and walked away. Yellow Pearl swiped across the screen and a loud buzzing filled the room. After it had stopped, she marched away with the fold-ed screen tucked under her arm. Steven turned to the three massive Diamonds. "Well, I think that went well," he said, smiling. Not that they'll think that, he knew inside his head.

White didn't look happy. "Steven, please," she said, kneeling in front of him and holding out her arms so that her starry cape fanned out.

"You can't go," Yellow said determinedly.

"You must stay," whispered Blue.

"You're all we have left of Pink," White wailed, sinking to the floor. "Steven... you belong here, with us."

"Uhh, thanks, but... no thanks," Steven said, backing away.

The three Diamonds decided their best bet was to repeatedly pester Steven to make him feel guilty about leaving them. They kneeled and sang, desperately trying to get Steven's mind to change.

"You guys have really gotten better at showing affection, but I've got my own life to get back to. Don't forget - I'm not Pink Diamond!" he said nervously. Sometimes the Diamonds did this, and it made him feel guilt he didn't want to feel. I guess they still haven't got the message I'm not my mum, he sighed in his mind.

The Diamonds ignored him. "Yes, we know that you're not her, but you were hers," they sang, to Steven's annoyance. "You knew what it meant to love her, and you remind us so much of her... "

He backed away further. "Thanks," he said, "but I've really gotta go-"

The Diamonds kept singing over the top of him. "But, Steven!" they breathed in unison, lying down around the warp pad with pleading eyes.

Yellow looked slightly offended by him. "I've disbanded my armies. I've liberated my colonies!" she said.

"I never shout... I never make anyone cry!" Blue added hopefully.

"I've been saying 'please' and 'thank you', even to lower life-forms!" White pouted.

Steven crossed his arms. "What did we talk about?"

White sighed. "Ugh... equal life-forms... Steven, we've done everything you've asked!" she added. Steven was exactly sure she had gotten the point.

"That's great!" Steven said, paying no attention to their pleas. "Good job, keep it up. Bye!" He stepped back onto the warp pad and was sucked up into its cold, magical stream as the Diamonds stared after the spot where he had been.

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