The True Kind of Love

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She glared at Steven with such anger he squirmed visibly, staring at the Rejuvenator instead of her. "I turn off the Injector, and then the moment that my back is turned, BAM! PRESTO! CHANGE-O! PROBLEM SOLVED! Well, you're not going to get rid of me THAT EASILY!"

She heaved and stared at Steven with hatred, coiled her finger and to Steven's horror reactivated the Injector, pointing at him with her other hand. The Injector slowly moved directly above him, casting an enormous shadow. "RUN FOR IT!" Peridot screamed as the Crystal Gems scattered just before the drill and legs sprouted and prepared to dig back into the ground.

This time, it drove itself into the ground even deeper than before, leaving a huge gaping crater all around it. As the pink ashes cleared, Steven coughed and stared up at Spinel. How could something have gone so wrong? he wondered.

"I'm not letting you get one over on ME, Steven Universe!" Spinel snarled.

"I wasn't going to wipe your memory, Spinel!" He said desperately. Steven coughed, looking at her angry expression through the thick smoke.

"You expect me to believe that you want me like this?!" she shrieked, spiking her arms out. Above her, Garnet peered into the crater.

"Steven? Why are you fighting?" she asked cluelessly. "Aren't we all friends?"

"Looks like we've still got an audience," Spinel sneered, stretching out her arms to grab Garnet. Garnet simply stared in shock as Spinel used her arms like ropes to twist her arms behind her back, holding one hand around her neck. "How about a front-row seat?"

"Garnet!" Steven cried. Garnet looked surprised and a bit scared. She struggled but went no further when the hand around her neck tightened. She allowed Spinel to push her onto her knees and lowered her head in fear and submission.

Spinel ignored them both. "You know, this is pretty twisted," she admitted, grinning, "but I am a little flattered that you liked the old me. Innocent... loving... stupid... " She made over exaggerated movements for each word, which went from puppy dog eyes, to hugging Garnet, to just looking disgusted. She continued, "but if that's your thing, why don't you leave her like this?" She nodded her head towards Garnet and waited like a snake for Steven's reaction.

"Get away from her!" Steven yelled, picking up the Rejuvenator threateningly.

Spinel tightened her hold on Garnet. "Ooh, you're so protective of your real friends, and you're so careless with your FAKE ones!" she screamed.

"STOP IT!" Steven cried desperately, more hurt than angry now.

"Then STOP ME! You wanna attack me! Just admit it. Or better yet, just TRY IT!"



"BECAUSE IT'S NOT THE TRUTH!" Steven angrily snapped the ignited Rejuvenator over his knee, tears stinging his eyes.

Garnet's eyes were unfocused as she looked in the direction of the two magenta halves. "The truth?" she echoed. Something flashed across her face.

In a second, Garnet threw off Spinel, who looked briefly stunned. "I've lived through hardships and confusion," she said as Spinel regained her balance. "Love can live through it all... if you face... the truth... together!"

She's coming back, Steven knew. Garnet's coming back! "The final piece!" he whispered as she began to glow.

"No!" Spinel shrieked, grabbing with her elongated arms a huge rock that had fallen from the hill her Injector stood on. "Stop! DON'T YOU DARE!" She smashed the rock over Garnet's head just as Steven scrambled out of the way, but Garnet stood firm and punched through it, still glowing.

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