Reformed Or Not?

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Amethyst lounged on the couch, while Pearl supervised what Garnet did with a spork. "If he finds her, he'll come back here, right?" Amethyst said.

Just after she spoke, Steven sprang down half the stairs. "Guys! Guess who's back!" he said happily. "Come on down," he added to Spinel, who kept her distance from the sound of Amethyst's voice.

"Won't they be... not exactly incredibly thrilled... to see me like this?" she asked nervously, pointing to her face.

"We just have to talk to them," Steven assured her, holding out his hand. She smiled weakly and took it. "Ta-da!" he told the other Gems as she came down.

Pearl narrowed her eyes. "W-w-what?!" She shouted. She and Amethyst immediately drew their weapons out from their gemstones and pointed them at Spinel. Garnet, however, smiled at her.

"Oh! Spinel! Did you change your hair?" she asked kindly.

Spinel and Steven both leapt back at Pearl's sudden outburst. "Woah, woah, woah!" he told them. "Spinel got her memories back, but she's not gonna hurt us!" he explained, throwing his arms out to protect her. "Everything's chill!"

Just at that moment, Lion appeared with Connie riding on his back, howling at the top of her lungs with a ferocious battle cry. "Hiyaaaa!" Connie declared, pointing Rose's sword at nothing in particular. "I'm here!" she announced. "Where's the fight?!" She turned around and pointed the pink sword at Spinel, seeing as she seemed to be the target.

"Don't fight, everything's chill!" Steven told her exasperatedly. The earth rumbled in the background. At that moment, Greg walked through the door. By instinct, everybody immediately drew their weapons against him. Spinel leapt back behind Steven instead.

He blinked a few times. "Okay, okay, I'll wash my hands!" he huffed, walking back out and slamming the door behind him. "Bloody coronavirus!"

"Phew - Spinel, can I ask you a favour?" asked Steven. He felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Are you kidding? Anything," she said gratefully.

Peridot's computer showed her what was happening inside the Injector. More than half of the poison had been depleted and injected into the earth. It started beeping with a pink warning sign.

"That sounds bad," Lapis said fearfully.

"That looks bad," Bismuth added gravely.

"That is bad!" Peridot cried. "We're hitting critical mass!"

It wasn't only that the poison was hitting critical mass, but now the air stank of ashes and was tinted pink. The sky was dark and smoky with pastel ashes floating around.

"I guess we arrived just in time," said a voice behind her.

"ARGH!" Peridot yelped from both hearing Steven and seeing Spinel. "Steven! What's the status on Spinel?!"

"She's back," he said as Spinel glared at Peridot from behind his shoulder, "and she's here to help." She walked out from behind him and nodded.

Stepping forward again to face her Injector, she coiled her finger into a horn and blew. The drill of the huge machine came out of the earth and the poison stopped pumping as the legs contracted back to the sides.

Lapis and Bismuth high-fived while Peridot did some sort of victory dance. Garnet, who had no idea what was going on, clapped anyway. "Okay, can someone fill me in?" asked Connie nervously, eyeing the huge hourglass-shaped machine with interest.

Steven also looked at the floating contraption. "Thanks, Spinel," he said, relieved that the earth wasn't being filled with poison anymore. He held out his hand.

She took it. "Aw, gee... what are friends for?" she said with a nervous smile.

Almost instantly, he turned his attention to the other Gems. "Okay, we've almost cleaned up this mess. Now, all we need are Garnet's memories and my powers and we can all get back to my happily ever after. Now, let's see... something about fusion, something about love-"

From behind him, Spinel said something he wasn't expecting. "What about me?" Her mood had changed once again, this time to hurt. "Is that all you needed me for? To turn off my Injector?"

"No!" Steven cried in surprise. He had no idea she would get provoked this easily. "Well... sort of," he thought - aloud.

"Oh, okay, okay... so what now?" she said quickly, talking over the top of him. "I-I did what you wanted. That's it?"

"Yeah," Steven said slowly, not sure she understood what he had said. "Now we can just forget this whole thing ever happened."

"Are you gonna forget with me, or... " She glared at him. "I'm the source of all your problems!" She looked like she had just discovered a plot to murder her. "Don't pretend you want me here! What's your plan for me, huh? You gonna put me somewhere? You gonna leave me?" Her hurt expression changed to fear almost instantly. "Somewhere? You're gonna leave me alone?!"

Steven didn't believe his ears. "Spinel!" he said in shock. He went over to try and comfort her, but to his surprise, she let out a bellow of rage and hit him - hard - so that he flipped back onto the floor like he had done when he first met her. As he fell to the ground, the Rejuvenator fell out of his pocket and skidded across the dark magenta landscape.

Amethyst and Pearl screamed and leapt away from it, remembering only too well about its power. Garnet, however, looked at it curiously. "Oh - what's this?" She reached over to pick it up.

"Garnet, no, don't touch that!" Steven cried, racing towards her and tripping in the process. She flicked the switch and activated it so that the glowing scythe extended. Steven snatched it from her.

Spinel blinked at him in surprise. "Why do you have that?" she asked in a slightly strangled voice.

Steven couldn't see a very easy way to tell Spinel why he had it without her thinking he was going to attack her with it. "Um - I was j-just carrying that," he said nervously. "I didn't have anywhere else to put it."

She looked at her weapon for a second. "Why don't we forget this ever happened?" she suggested, narrowing her eyes. "You mean - I can just forget this ever happened!" She pointed to herself and laughed sarcastically. "Well - what a plan!"

She glared at Steven with such anger he squirmed visibly, staring at the Rejuvenator instead of her. "I turn off the Injector, and then the moment that my back is turned, BAM! PRESTO! CHANGE-O! PROBLEM SOLVED! Well, you're not going to get rid of me THAT EASILY!"

She heaved and stared at Steven with hatred, coiled her finger and to Steven's horror reactivated the Injector.

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