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"Fuck!He's just using you."He said.I was shocked.I didn't even say a word.Is he just using me?."Your a part of his plan he will use you for his revenge."Seungwoo said."Revenge?"I asked."Yes for your father."He replied."He wants to get your company back to him,he thinks your dad killed his father."He added.I was shocked and run away.I got into a taxi and head to my house.As I entered my house I run to my room.So he don't really love me he is just using me.I cried on my bed and fell asleep.

The morning came..

I decided to go to Yury's house.I pressed the doorbell and his Door open immediately.It's Yury.He hugged me when he saw me but I pushed him."Is it true that you are just using me?!"I shouted at him."Yes I used you for the part of my plan to get your company,I mean my father's company back."He said coldly.I walked closer to him and slapped him.

Someone doorbell I walked towards the door and I opened it,It's Sammie and she looks angry and her tears fall down."Is it true that you are just using me?!"She shouted at me."Yes I used you for the part of my plan to get your company,I mean my father's company back."I said coldly.Yes it's true I used her."Do you love me now?"She asked.Started to cry more."No you are just a part of my plan."I said.I lied to her.I falled for her but it's hard if her father's know that we are together.I don't want her to be harmed because of me.She slap me again and she walked away.

I asked him"Do you love me now?"I started to cry and he replied."No you are just a part of my plan."He said.It hurts so much that the person you love then and now don't love you back as same as I love him.I slapped him and walked away.I started to run and the rains fall.As the rain falls I started to cry and cry more.I saw a taxi and I waved my hands it stopped Infront of me.I got home and as I closed the door my body collapsed on the floor and I started to cry again.Why did he used me for the company what's his reason and what's his reason to not now me all the years we spend when we were a young.

The night falls..

I drunk 5 bottles of soju by now and I felt tipsy."I'm sorry Sammie for hurting you."I said on my mind.My tears fall down and I grab another bottle and drink it on the bottle.My door opened.I know it's Baekjin his the only one knows my password."Ya!!Hyung!!"He said with an angry voice.I didn't look at him."I heard all what you talked about,Did you forgot about that you installed the devices in your house also."He said.I still didn't look at him like I didn't heard anything.I was about to drink again when he grabs the bottle and throw it on the floor.I stand up and grab his collar and glare at him angrily."Ya!Hyung what's your problem!?"He shouted at me."Get out or else I will kill you."I said as I grab his collar more."But hyung"He said as he removed my hands from his collar."I said get out!"I shouted at him."Ok!If that what you want.Fuck!"He shouted as he walked out.I grab a bottle and throw it on the floor.I lost my dad and now the love of my life."Fuck!"I shouted as I flipped the table.

A week passed..

"Dad I still don't want to marry him please understand."I said to dad as Seungwoo is Infront of me.I walked out at the house again.Seungwoo followed me."What's the difference between me and Yury?"He asked."Is he better than me?"He additionally asked."Non of your business Mr.Han."I replied to him and start to walked away from him again.My dad promoted me just for the Wedding to agree with him,but no I don't want to marry someone just because of the company.I will marry the one who I love and not that bastard.My phone rang."Hello Ms.Song,You have an urgent meeting on a restaurant near Myeongdeong."My secretary said."Ok I'll go."I said and I head to Myeongdeong.I entered the restaurant.Full of the directors on the biggest companies in korea with their wifes,Oh Am I just the one without partner and I'm the only Girl Director ?.I introduced myself."Hi I'm Ms.Song Sammie From one of the biggest food  companies in korea."I said to them."Oh so you are the daughter of Mr.Song ?"One of the director asked."Nice to meet you Ms.Song,We have the same last name btw.I'm Song Yuvin and This is my Wife Mhae."He said and We both stand up and bow to  each other.We started all started talk about our companies as the food served.

After a week we break up I started to get drunk everyday and get back to the restaurant again and start up my plan again.My target is Seungwoo since he was close with the president of the company.I heard it from the recording that they know about my first plan but then."Please do something just to marry your daughter or else I will tell Yury all your plan."The man on the recording said and I know who is this,It's Seungwoo's voice."I will tell him who killed his father."He said and the recording stopped.Fuck!Who really killed my father is it him or someone.Suddenly my doorbell rang I opened the door and it's Hyung!?.

He has a brother?Who is it?Will his brother help him to revenge?.

MADNESS OF FIRE (BOOK 2):A Man's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now