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I opened the door as someone knocked and get the box.I opened the box and saw a dead snake inside with blood.I screamed and throw the box.What's with my dad?.Then Yury Throw his phone that made me sat on the floor.My  phone rang."Hello my daughter,did you like my gift for you and Yury?"He said on the phone."You're like your mom,A traitor."Another message came.I cried,He knew it he knew my plan.How can I help Yury?.How can we put dad in jail.How can we put one and only Song Seunghoon in jail.My mom didn't betray him.My just did it because he  hurt her to much.Everytime I got home mom has a wound on her face because of dad's punch,then one day mom runned away with her bestfriend and now Husband.I'm happy for her that she is free,but me,I feel like I'm a pet nor a slave from dad.I'll do whatever he wants but this time I'll make sure he will pay all of his sin's and go to jail.
I'm still crying on the floor and Yury still shocked on his bed,Then someone opened the door.
"What happened?"Someone said and I know this voice it's Dohwan Oppa.
"That bastard send that box with a dead animal in it."Yury replied.

"What Happened?"Dohwan hyung asked."That bastard send that box with a dead animal in it."I said to him."What's with that man?When will he stop this.?!"He said in angry tone.
"And even his daughter?!"He added.
"I'll make a move now Yury don't make me stop I'll be investing to the company and be a share holder of the company,I'll make sure we can get the company back."He said."Let's do this Hyung."I replied.I looked at Sammie."I will all protect you all from that evil old man."I added.

After 1 week...

We returned home and I'm fine now from my wound.Sammie still taking care of me but she's still working for her dad.

Yury got home and I'm taking care of him.I'm still working for my dad but I want to quit now but I need to do my plan so I can help Yury from his plan for my dad.I need to help them to get back what's from them.I'm researching
about my dad before he become the president of the company.I'm finding all the CCTV footage before Yury's dad was taken away and killed by my dad.I saw
a video footage of a black car and a man from the parking lot back from April 25,2019,then a man got out from the black car and walks towards the man Infront of him and put an handkerchief on the man's face,then the man get unconscious.Another man got out from the car and they carried the man.It turns out it's Yury's dad.
I watched another footage and it turns out from the main house road.This is the day I saw my dad killed him.This can be evidence for my dad killing Yury's dad.

I got home from work,I still live on his house.I saw Yury from the living room.I sat beside him.I hugged him."Baby I have a gift for you."I said and gave him the USB."What's this baby?"He asked."Watch it so you will know."I said.He get his phone and connect the USB.He saw a video of the CCTV's before his dad died."Is this the footage before my dad died?"He asked me and I nod.He hugged me."Are you helping me Sammie?"He asked."Yes Baby, Let's do this.Even he is my dad he has done something bad in the past not just to you and your dad but for my mom also and me."I replied.He hugged me."Thank you Sammie,I love you.Let's get justice for dad."He said and kissed my forehead.

The day came...

I'm heading to the police to investigate some the footage Sammie saw.
"This is around Gangnam."The police said."Please help me investigate my father's death,I'll pay you how much you want."I said and put the money on his table."Please I'm begging you."I said he was hesitant but he agreed at the end."Ok I'll investigate this starting tommorow."He said."I'll send him a warrant arrest if we find evidence."He added."Than you so much."I said and bow to him 360.

I got out from the police station and planned to head to my restaurant.As I walk going to my restaurant.I saw a familiar face outside of the supermarket.It's Mhae.I walk towards her and I saw her she's pregnant."How are you?"I asked and she was shocked."Omg!Yury!"She said."I'm fine,You how are you?"She asked."I'm fine too,Did you ge.."I cut my words as I saw Yuvin got out from the Supermarket.I'm still feel angry towards him."I gotta go."I said to Mhae.

Night falls..

I got home after I saw Yuvin and Mhae.I drunk all I want,then Sammie got home."Yury!"She shouted.She walks towards me."Go away!"I said to her.She walks closer and I pushed her.I got sober up when I saw what I did to her.
I walk closer to her to pick her up but she pushed me away."You said I'll go away!"She shouted and she stands up and walked away.I grab her hands and pulled towards me."I'm sorry baby,I'll make it up to you."I said and grab her chin and kissed her.She put her hands on the back of my neck and I kissed her torridly."Let me love you tonight baby."I  said to her.

MADNESS OF FIRE (BOOK 2):A Man's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now