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They opened the window and who are you!?.He is the new owner of our company and Sammie's dad.I stopped my car on the road same as him we both got down and he pulled out a gun and pointed at me,then Baekjin came when the Sammie's dad click the gun,After that Sammie's dad entered the car again and they drove away.I'm still shock for what happened and I remembered Baekjin who's now on the ground bleeding.I tapped him to stay awake."Don't sleep Baekjin,stay awake!"I shouted and I let him in on my car and I entered my car quickly and drive to the hospital I know it's just near here.

We arrived at the hospital and no one looking at me I called Hyung that we are in the hospital."What!What happened?"He asked."I'll explain to you later."I replied."Ok I'll call my friend."He said and I hang up after a second someone came to us."Let's go to the operating room."He said to the staffs,then they take Baekjin in to the operating room,After a second someone called me.unknown number."Do you like my surprise?"He asked."Who are you?"I asked."Your father inlaw.I mean never to be your father inlaw."He replied.Fuck!."I have alot more surprises,see you soon."He said while laughing over the phone.I stand up and punched the wall. Luckyly no one saw me.I waited for hours waiting for Baekjin,then the doctor got out.He walks towards me."I'm sorry but he didn't make it,he didn't survive."The doctor said.As the doctor said that.I felt more angry to that man.He killed my father now my bestfriend.Fuck it!.I'm not finished with him.Let's make a real game this time.See who's going to jail.

They moved Baekjin mortuary.I followed them.I walk towards Baekjin cold body now."I'm sorry Baekjin,I'm sorry to involve you to this."I said as I held his cold hands and Tear falls down.

After 3 days...

This is the day we will send him to the cemetery in paju.Sammie beside me all the time comforting.Still didn't help.I still remembered the days with Baekjin when we were highschool.I saved him from the bullies from the school and we became best friends.We skip class sometimes and played online game from the time we escape class.That flashback makes me cry even more.

We reached the cemetery in paju and they started to dug a hole,after that they put the coffin with him inside and the mass started.I still can't accept the truth that my Bestfriend was gone because of me.I wished I didn't involve him on this.I wished I was the one who's dead now.The mass was finished and people started to left the cemetery and I'm the only person left here cause Sammie go to the car first."I'm sorry Baekjin,I promise to get you justice from this."I said to his picture on him tomb.I left the cemetery also and entered the car.Sammie held my hands.
We got home.

We arrived and I headed to my room.
Sammie followed me afterwards.I saw Dohwan Hyung on the entrance of his room."Cheer up Yury you'll be fine."He said I just smiled a little.I opened the door and lay on my bed.I saw Sammie walking towards me."Can we cuddle?All day?"I asked her and she layed on the bed also.I pulled her and hug her.I strated to cry again.She looked at me."Are you crying Yury?"She said as she pulled away hugging her.She cupped my face and kissed me."I'll be here with you Yury no matter what."She said and hugged me.I hugged her back and we both sleep.

A couple of hours...

I woke up and Yury still hugging me thightly.Until now he didn't say the reason why did he revenge to our company,I want to ask him but not this time he is still mourning from his bestfriend Baekjin.I think he will start revenging again from what happened.
He is still sleeping so deep.I want him to forget about his bestfriends death and move on.I'll be here for him no matter what happens.He woke up from his sleep."Good eve Mr.Park."I said to him and he smiled.He hugged me more thightly."Thank you for being on my side Sammie."He said."Let's get justice for your bestfriend and put that person on jail."I replied"What if your father is that person who killed my father and my bestfriend also?"He replied.I keep quiet for what he said."My fa..father?"I asked."Why did he do that?"I added.
What's with my father,him and his dad.Is that the voice I heard that day?.Is it his fathers voice and my dad?.I want to know all of this but this is not time I'll ask him about that.I'll research all the things about my dad all his bad doings.I'll help Yury from my dad.

Do you think she will help Yury?
Do you think she will make her dad go in jail?

MADNESS OF FIRE (BOOK 2):A Man's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now