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After 1 Year...

I started to move inside her but then my phone rang, It's Baekjin."Oh fuck!"I shouted as I answered the phone while Thrusting inside this girl I'm with right now."What is it now?"I said to Baekjin."Hyung they escaped."He said."What!"I shouted as I stopped Thrusting inside her."Let's meet at the hide out."I said and ended the call."Sorry but I need to go now,just pleasure your self,here's the money."I said and I throw the money on the bed.
"You suck!"She shouted.I opened the door and got out I closed it hard.I head to the hide out."How did they escape?"I asked."I thought you and the others guarding them,How can they escape?"I said."We are finding them now Hyung."Baekjin replied."Well I will find them before you can find them."I said and walked out from the hide out an
d drive in a fast speed, Finally I found them.No people around I opened the window and point the gun on the two person walking,I shoot them both.I called Baekjin to clean up the mess."Baekjin go to this location and clean this up,I finished them."I said and head home.I directly go to the bathroom and remove all my clothes and open the shower."They will all pay for this!,I will find them one by one and shut them down."I said."I will get back what's ours!"I said and washed my face.I got out of the shower and wear my brief and boxers and lay down to the bed.Still in my thoughts about the people I killed but I don't care,This is what they get stealing what's not from them.

The next day...

I head to my restaurant near Myeong-deong.We opened at night.I'm also a staff in my restaurant.I parked my and get out and also Baekjin is one of my staff.
As I walk to my restaurant, Someone bumped on me."Hey could you watch out!"I shouted as I tap my shirt."Sorry."She said.Wait she looks familiar."Hey did we met before?"I asked her."Hmmm?Who are you?"She replied."Nevermind."I said and rolled my eyes and head straight to the restaurant I owned.As the night falls we opened my restaurant and started to serve customers."Welcome to Samgyup Mokda."I said to the customers and get back to the kitchen.The night got deeper and it's already 10:00 pm time to close.

I bumped on someone."Hey could you watch out!"A man's voice said.It's familiar"Sorry."I said."Hey did we met before?"He said.I do remember him.
I still remember that time at the bridge.
"Please don't jump. Just please don't"
"OMG, your hands are bleeding! Let's go to the hos-" I said that day,the day I won't forget the first time I saw a person to suicide and blood running down on his hands.I pretend I didn't know him."Hmmm?Who are you?"I pretend not know him and ask."Nevermind"He replied and he rolled his eyes and he walked away.He has still that cold personality when I so him on the bridge,I wonder why do he have to do that,that day.The night falls and I head to the company we owned.
I forgot something and I get back to the place I work and I saw him outside of a restaurant here in Myeong-deong.With an apron?I wonder is he a staff here or?Oh nevermind.I continued to walk and reached the place where I work.

I got home and head to my room I layed down on my bed and still thinking where I saw her,then some flashbacks comes to my head."Stop!"She said.A bridge?Blood?.Is she the one,Is she the one who stopped me from jumping on the bridge.My phone rang, It's Baekjin."Hello do you have a report  about the company?"I said to him."Yes Hyung I have,I'll send you the picture."
He said."Ok,I'll check later."I said and end the call.I ready my clothes for bed and put on my bed.I entered the bathroom and open the shower.I started thinking of that girl again.I wonder who is she?and why did she stop me? And I washed my face.I got out of the bathroom with a towel wrap around my lower body.I checked the message he sent.What is this?A girl?Who is she?.I closed up the pic and"Her?".I called Baekjin."Research about her."I said and I end the call.

Who do you think is that girl?Someone he knows or that girl he met from the bridge?

Here's a pic of Yury

Here's a pic of Yury

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MADNESS OF FIRE (BOOK 2):A Man's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now