LOVE VS. HATE ( Jacob Latimore Love Story)

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Well this is my 2nd book hope you guyss like it :)


4 Years Ago

*After School*

::Jordan P.O.V::

It was after school and soccer practice is over. I'm waiting for Jacob to get out of basketball ,but it's taking him too long..... I wonder what's up. I went to the Gym and asked the coach were was Jacob, Jacob and I have been friends since the 2nd grade.

We bonded very quickly. Anyways the coach told me he was in the lockers, but it was strange. He had a frown on his face when he told me that. I shugged it off then headded to the locker. I looked through every section. When I got to the last section I saw him. He had his head down.

Jordan:" Jacob???" I called out for him

He just keept looking down shaking his head.What did I do??

Jacob:" What Do YOU WANT!!?!?!" he yelled still looking at the cold floor

Jordan:" What's wrong??" I asked putting my stuff down and sitting next to him

He got up softly then put his back against the lockers looking up.

Jacob:" The coach.....he pulled to the side and told me......That my parents died in a car crash" he said softly

I started to tear up. Jacob's parents are really important to me they helped me alot. Looked up at him. His face showed no emotion, Non at all.

Jordan:" so sorry.....I don't know what too say" I said tearing up more and more

Jacob:" Don't say parents are gone end of story" He said turning to me

Jordan:" Im just caring" I Said looking at him back with my eyes drowning in tears

Jacob:" DON'T CARE, I DON'T NEED ANYBODY CARING FOR ME!!!" He yelled. " I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF....DO ME A FAVOR AND STAY OUT OF MY LIFE OK....I DON'T NEED ANYBODY" He finished punching the locker making a dent in it.

I let 1 tear escape from my eye. Then the tears went away. I don't deserve this. I cared for him over over and over. Now he is saying he doen't need nobody.

A few days passed and Jacob hasn't talked to me. He just stayed mad. I guess he really wanted nothing to do with me. Hmmmm..... Why am i caring ??? hmmm.... For now on im done with Jacob....... I HATE JACOB LATIMORE.

* End Of Flashback*

::Jacob P.O.V::

Ever since my parents died I have changed....ALOT. Now im in a foster home with Lots of kids.I don't talk to any of them , Well except for Fonzie he went through the same thing i did.

Fonzie:" Yo lets get to school early i wanna see the new girl" He said jumping on my bed like a little kid

Jacob:" Damn man... how you know these things??" i asked rubbing my eyes then getting out of my bed

Fonzie:" Issac called me and told me He also said she finnnneee" he said putting on the rest of his clothes

I just nodded and finished putting on my clothes as well. If this girl really "FINE" than I'll try to get her to fall for me. We went down starts and went out. We don't eat cause there is always nothing left. It wasn't a long walk to ARTS High School. Yeah Arts High. Me and Fonzie do singing and I also dance. We crossed the street and saw Issac.

Issac:" Aye!!!" He yelled giving us a dap

Fonzie:" Aye where the new girl at??" He asked looking around raising an eyebrow

Damn this nigga thirsty.

Issac:" No no no no.... This girl for Jacob" He said looking at me

Jacob:" Alrightttt thenn where she at??" I said rubbing my hands together

Issac:" She at locker 35.. right text to yours" He said pointing to the door.

I dapped him and jogged inside. I went to my locker and there she was....DAMNNNN she is FINNE. She got that coke bottle shape and every thing. I walked to her and leaned behind her locker door. She closed it and stared at me. I did the same.

Jacob:" Jordan??" i asked with my mouth dropped

Jordan:" What do you want ??" she said with a little attitude

Jacob:" Well i wanna start over ma" I said facing in front of her making her lean on the locker

Jordan:" No thank you im fine" ahe said trying to leave, but I put my arm on the other side of the locker trapping her

Jacob:" Come on baby girl" I said touching her chin

She slapped my hand away and looked at me dead in the eye.

Jordan:" Don't touch me" she said angrly

Jacob:" You thought i forgot your nickname did you " I said looking at her up and down...Damn she cleaned up good

Jordan:" Bye" She said escaping from my arms and walked away

I can't belive that's her.Now I regret ending our friendship. Now I'm goin' to 1st period which is Math ,ugghh I hate it. I walked in the room ,and every body seemed suprised.

Teacher:" Mr.Latimore your here early" He said lefting an eyebrow

Jacob:" Well there is nothing else to do in this damn school" i said plopping myself on the chair

He just nodded his head and looked back at the computer. I looked to the left of me ....well well if it isn't Jordan.

Jordan:" Are you following me are what?? " she said

Jacob:" Nope not this time" I said popping the P in nope

Jorden:" WtF?!?!?" she said looking at me with her eyes big

Jacob:" Haha just kidding.....let me see you classes" I asked

She through the paper at me and rolled her eyes. She's so damn sexy when she's mad. I looked at every class....lucky me we have every class together.


Well that's the 1st chapter Of this story..if it was boring sorry ill try better at the next chapter......Ohh and if you fan me ill fan you back, and listen to Bad Boy By OMG GIRLZ i love that song and LOVER BOY ...SEE YALL LATERRRRR~ Kaylani ;)

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