Chapter 19

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Some water droplets fall on akansha bare hand and she watched in the sky and guessed  that it was about to rain very hard. Suddenly She realised that it has been One hour since both of them were sitting here.

Her mind immediately reminded her of the warden warning and  she grabbed the hand of Veer to see the time in his wrist watch.

The damage has already been done  , she has crossed the  time limit of her freedom which she got from hostel warden . She was  One and half hour late.

Panic and fear gripped her and she stood from her place. tension lines were visible on her forehead.

"Hey , what happened"- Veer questioned her.

"I am late Veer . Very much late. Today the warden will surely kill me".

"what if she calls my parents and tell them that I am not present in my room at this hour of day "- her own sentences were not making any sense to her.

Veer stood from his seat sensing that  her mind was not working properly  in this situation  and put his both hands on her shoulder.

"First of all Calm down!!  You are unnecessary  getting panicked".

" I will drop you off at your hostel . You make some excuses to the authorities for being late . I am sure the warden will let you in"- He was trying his best to pacify  her.

"you are not understanding the situation Veer. She had given this permission to attend the farewell party of seniors only on the condition that we will get back on time".

" She had strictly warned that if anyone will cross the time limit she will have to spend the whole night outside" -  she mumbled in her low voice.

A new type of fear engrossed her. "oh my god !!  where will I go??? Where will I spend the night ??". Thousands questions were roaming in her mind.

"ok we can do one thing. You can come to my house"- he suggested her out of blue. This was the only idea that came in his mind also.

"Your house"- she looked puzzled while asking this.

"Yes !! My house. Do you have any other option than this".- He was giving her practical reasons at this moment but she herself was confused to what to do.

  She was hesitant to give any answer and Veer got hint of her confusion looking at her face.

"Don't worry !!! Tomorrow morning itself I will drop you to the hostel"- he said to her giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Besides that I will not eat you alive in my home. So rest assured you will be safe in my house" - He said jokingly to lighten her mood while she rolled her eyes at him for cracking jokes at this moment.

She lovingly patted  her hands at his chest for making fun of her dreadful situation.

Suddenly rains drops started falling from the sky vigorously and  invading their skin. Veer tightly hold akansha's  hand and moved toward there where his car was parked. Hurriedly  they both got into the car and breathed a sigh of relief.

As they were approaching the residence of Veer , Rain was getting more wild  and was frivolously tapping against the car windows. Akansha was leaning  comfortably and making weird patterns with her fingers on the windows.

Veer was seeing how much she was enjoying drawing the weird patterns. She was rubbing it off and then again making it. He  smiled at her childlike antics when akansha caught him smiling at her.

" Stop ogling at me . Concentrate on driving . I want to reach at your place in one piece "-   She was trying to be playful.

Suddenly Veer put one of his hands from behind on  her other shoulder and his other hand was on the steering wheel. Akansha also didn't resisted his actions and came closer to him. she was liking his possessive side too. This all was feeling like a dream to her. A long drive and that too in rain with a person she loved beyond boundaries. A beautiful dream.

They reached the home of Veer. He opened the lock of door and they both entered. He  first discarded his jacket and then made akansha sit on the couch.

"You sit here . I will bring some  hot coffee you  for else you will caught cold"- He told her and went inside.

When he came back , he was amazed to see the sight in front of him. Akansha was standing in front of huge glass window  and watching the lightnings over the mighty mountains.  The sight was indeed very beautiful. It was like  the fireworks of God.

He put the coffee on the table and went closer to her. He put his hands on her waist from behind  and tightly gripped her.

She wiggled in his hold. He  removed  the silky hair from her shoulder started giving sweet and soft kisses on the nape of her neck.

"what are you doing Mr Shergill"-  she was continuously giggling at his actions.

"What do you think I am doing Miss Malhotra"-  he said seductively in his deep baritone voice in her ears.

She wanted to stop him but she was made helpless  by her own heart . She turned to face him  and found an indescribable emotion in his eyes. It was like deadly combination of love and lust.  Her heartbeats   were doing somersaults in her heart.

She started to move away from him to avoid the inevitable event  that can happen. But  he grabbed her and pushed her towards him. She again came closer to him her one hand resting on his chest.

He was looking passionately in her eyes  and his touch on her skin  were giving shivers to her body. For Akansha This night was going to be very long.

In a swift moment of action, he bend down and lifted akansha in bridal style. She first clutched his shirt in her fist for support and then put her both hands in his neck . He started moving towards his bedroom. They both were not speaking a single word.

He gently laid her on the soft mattress. He started opening his shirt buttons exposing his ripped body. She  moved away her eyes to her other side and removed the pallu of her saree from her chest.

He was on the top of her and was giving sweet kisses on  her bare chest .  He broke the chain of kisses to look into her eyes for her final permission for what he was going to do with her.

She also looked in his eyes and lovingly stroked his face with her fingers. He got the hint  of approval  from her side.  She was ready to bear the consequences of this night whatever they may be. The only thing that matter to her right now was loving him for she was also craving for him.

As he brought his lips closer to her , she knew what was going to happen and closed her eyes.  She was giving her Virtue to a man she loved whole heartedly.

(Your Author is too shy to write down the after scenes of this situation 🙈🙈🙈🙈. You Yourself can imagine the next scenes 😉😉. Basically they did the deed is what all I can say now. Hope I didn't offend anyone 😊😊).


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