Chapter 37

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"What did you address me just now??"- She couldn't believe her own ears and had to double check.

"I think we should first go to an ENT specialist"- His naughty smile accompanying his words didn't go unnoticed by her. His words were making her more confused.

"Stop joking"- she hit his shoulder for making fun of her and he faked pain
expressions on his face.

She inhaled deeply and clutched her head with both hands.

He gently lifted her chin with his fingers and made her look at him."What you hear was true. I really referred you by My Surname"- he told her.

She wanted to  question him about his sudden endearment for her but chose not to interrupt him. She wanted to listen what was going in his mind, more precisely in his heart.

He took her hands in his hand and started to spoke " I know that you are thinking why I am talking so lovingly to you".

She unknowingly nodded her head and concentrated her mind on his words.

" We both know that we cannot change the past no matter what. All the things that was supposed to have had happened. That is something which we can't control . But there is something which if we cannot control, then make it better".

"Our future".

"I can't live in the past now and I believe neither you can. For the past 4 years I am living in the past which feels like an invisible rope that is trying to suffocate me with painful memories and taking my breath away from me every second."

"You know Akansha Why I agreed to marry you. .........To hurt you, to punish you"- he turned his eyes away from her like he felt ashamed to admit that.

" I married you so that I could reject you every time  you would desire of having husband- wife relationship between us just like you rejected me all these years ago. That's why I made our first night so miserable for you".

He paused for a second and looked at her intensely. Her morning hungover face  still had that rosy glow of last night.

"I was always given things on silver platter Akansha . Nobody denied me anything. Throughout my childhood and student life, I used to get what I wanted. Belonging from a wealthy family  with good looks ,I would get anything I laid my hands on.  I could get any girl I wanted  in my arms and in my bed too though I was never interested in this relationship thing"- His last line made Akansha feel a pang of jealousy. Her mind took her to that night when that snobbish Shaleena was using her tactics to get Veer.

"Until you came in my life. I was enamoured by your beauty , innocence and lively nature. I was changing my thinking about love and relationship after getting to know you. I realised that I had fallen for you and to top it all you had also fallen for me. For the first time in my life, I was romantically involved with a girl who was reciprocating my feelings. What could have been better than this".

"In short , I never faced rejection in my life. Everything was going fine till your letter came and you disappeared from my life. You rejected me , you rejected our love and you rejected........"- Akansha bit her lips to control her sob very well understanding what he was referring to but didn't spoke in front of her.

"It broke me and filled my heart with anger and rage , subduing my love for you. I couldn't cope up with the memories of here and left for New york to forget them. But there too , these memories would haunt me and made me restless. I tried everything to forget  about you, from drinking alcohol to doing hardcore drugs , everything"- Akansha gasped when she heard him talking about the drugs and looked at his face which was emotionless right now.

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