Chapter 20

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Next Morning

Veer  woke up to the sound of sobbing of someone. He slowly opened his eyes to see the source which disturbed his peaceful sleep. He sat on the bed and gazed everywhere in his bedroom but found nothing.
His eyes went to other part of bed where akansha was supposed to sleeping but she was not present there.

He got alerted after not finding her there and hurriedly put on his clothes. The muffling sounds intensity was increasing  and Veer got to know it was Akansha who was crying in the bathroom.

"Akansha , Are you there" - he  questioned her but got nothing in reply.
He was about to again knock the door when akansha replied in her crying voice "You go from here Veer. I am fine ".

"No you are not fine"- He was getting feared for her.

"Just go from here"- she replied.

"I will not go from here unless you come out"- he was just as adamant as she was.

He was about to knock it again when she herself opened the door.

Her tear strained cheeks were enough to tell how much she was crying . Her eyes had become puffy and red due to crying.
She put her head in his chest and wrapped her hands around his torso.  He understood that she was feeling guilty for what happened yesterday night.    He untied himself from her and make her look into his eyes.

"What have we done Veer.......... It shouldn't have happened like this" -  she said while tears were freely falling from her eyes.

"Do you regret it??"-  He  wiped her tears with his fingers softly asking her.

"No I don't regret it"- Her eyes were telling that what she is saying is true. How can she regret it the most beautiful night of her when she had given herself to a person with whom she wanted  to spend  her rest of life.

"Then what's bothering you??"

"How will I face my parents Veer ?? will I be able to match eyes with them"-  she gave her honest  reply to him.

He understood  her reason of her concern. She was afraid of the society mentality. What if they get to know that she has spend a night with a man she was not married to. They will surely question  her upbringing and family  values and that's the last thing she wanted to happen.

He  hold her hands and made her sit on the bed and sat beside her.

"I know Akansha  What happened yesterday shouldn't have happened. We should have waited for the marriage but now we can't change the past events"-  He  spoke and akansha was staring at his face.

He placed her hairs which were falling on her eyes and irritating her behind her ears and continued " It's not Sin to love Somebody akansha. We both love each other and in the heat of the moment it resulted into physical intimacy".

When he spoke of physical intimacy she tried to avert her graze from his face but he held her face between his both hands and made her look into his eyes.

"I will never leave your side Akansha...........We will get married right after your graduation completes"- He  tried to  make  her calm by his sweet talks  and she was stunned by the "marriage". After all this relationship without marriage still doesn't  have a  reputable  name in the society. It was not that she was in need  for society approval  of her love but her own moral and ethics were condemning her.

Her father words were ringing in her ears "she will not do anything which will go against our family values and morals". A single tear dropped from her eyes after remembering her father words. She wiped her tears  and gave a sad smile to Veer.

"Drop me at the hostel"- she requested him  and he obliged.

The car drive  to her hostel was   in total contrast of yesterday night drive.  The childish akansha was gone. She was just  staring outside of the windows watching  the abadon roads. He was concentrating on driving but catching her glances of her face in between. His heart was also not at peace with itself.  He was  feeling a bit guilty  for the events. Had he controlled himself yesterday night, Akansha would not have been in this condition.  He knew that However modern she became, she was still very much attached to her roots  and a traditional girl in her heart  who believed in  marriage alliances approved by the family.

Both didn't  spoke a single sentence during the whole ride.
They got out of the car And akansha started walking towards her hostel entrance when  Veer Voice stopped her.

"Don't overthink"- he said and she nodded her head and went inside.

Her mind was making her think that every person who saw her on the way to her room was judging her and criticising  her act but  it was just her assumptions.
They all were busy in their respective work  and nobody even noticed  her presence.  She fastly ran to her room and knocked the door.

Sugandha opened the door and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Where were you whole night?? I was so tensed about you."- sugandha enquired her.

Before Akansha could reply to her questions, sugandha again opened her to spoke.

"After you went I took the medicines and it made me drowsy and I felt asleep  So I couldn't call you".

"I am fine "-  Akansha replied but her eyes were telling a different story.

"Where did you stay"- sugandha again asked her.

" I was  with Veer"- she answered back.


"I just gave the execuse  that you were staying at one of our mutual friends home tonight and thank God That Hitler was in Good mood today. She agreed to what I said . Don't know what would have happened if she caught my lie"-  Sugandha continued speaking thinking about the consequences .

Akansha was just listening to her but her mind was not processing it properly.

"I am going to take shower. I am feeling very tired"-  akansha said to her and closed the bathroom door.

2 weeks had passed from that eventful night. Veer got back at working for his final project and Akansha kept herself busy with her studies as her exams were approaching. They had not talked much after that like previously they used to do , only the  formal chats they were using now.

One day Veer called Akansha to say that He was going to Delhi as there was some family emergency. His father  was having  heart bypass surgery and he needed to  with his mother at that moment for moral support and completing the formalities.

She understood the situation and they bid their goodbye to each other.

It has been 1 week since Veer has left for Delhi. Akansha was returning from the college library.

"Akansha Ma'am" - the guard called her when she was going to her room. She turned  when her name was being called.

"Yes , Uncle"- she replied.

"There  is someone waiting for you in the waiting  room"- he replied.

"Waiting for me!!!. who can it be"- she  thought in her mind .

She went inside the waiting room and when she saw that person , a beautiful smile spread on her lips.

It was her Arpit bhaiya.


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