Before A Once Upon a Time

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  • Dedicated to The Little Writing Fairy In My Head

There was a time, long, long ago (Or perhaps very far in future, depending on what time you’re from.), far beyond any mortal's memory and perhaps even in an entirely different world depending on which you are in, there was a way of things that some may never understand.  Witches were the highest rank in this world, a bit like royalty you might say. There were many, many different branches that could do different things and they watched over the lands without being its actual rulers. That was left to the people, and in the case of my favorite tale, the King and Queen…, but that’s getting a bit ahead of myself.

 There was too an order to the witches. Witches could be male or female, there was no division. Witches were less like a race and more like accidents of the human race. When a blood line built up enough unused magic, they produced a witch. Depending on the blood line the magic could build to incredible heights or be small and insubstantial. Unlike most stories with witches, bloodline witches, those that were witches who were in a family of witches, were often the least respected and most mocked of all witches (though I’m not saying much of that happened) and that was simply due to the fact that if every generation could be a witch that meant their blood could hold little magic and that they would have only the ability to cast weak magic their whole lives.

Witches with the most magic were not always those with the most control however so they rarely became great either. No, the highest rank of witch are those who have shown the greatest control in their magic, and these are called the fairies, because due to this control, some of the fairies can fly, just as true faeries can (Yes, that is the entire difference between the two. In spelling. They sound the same but the little fluttery ones are called faeries and the witches are fairies). Did you know that most of your fairy tales actually stem from these fairies, their stories carried across time, worlds and in fact, the whole cosmos?

 Oh, you wish to know more? Oh goody! I’ve been wanting to tell a good tale. Alright. Now get comfy, settle in and get ready to hear the true version of all those fairy tales you love brought to life.

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