Chapter 1:Zapphire Coven

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"Don't Own Anything Except OC's"
*Amara POV*

It was May 15,1659 my eyes peered open and looked about my room i was currently staying in for the night.

I shifted my body weight towards the edge and rolled out of the cot and onto the cold wood like floor. I gasped at the connection the floor was icy much because of the cold winters we get in Mystic Falls Virginia.

I rubbed my eyes and walked out of the hut searching for my mother Ivy,She was no where to be found,I looked everywhere she would normally be but none seemed to be of her location.

"Mother!" i screamed while walking through our quaint village,There was a response in the distance i barley heard it but i knew it was my mother. I walked over to the lake and spotted her sitting with my best friend Isabella's Mother,Carlin.

"Mother i was looking for you this morning,Also good morning Miss,Flamore." she smiled to me and nodded as my mother looked over to me and pulled me aside.

"I was here sweetheart but you know that i cant have you around while I'm practicing magic." i frowned towards her i was a witch also but i wasn't allowed to practice witchcraft since it was "Fairly Dangerous" but i did anyway just not around my mother mostly with Isabella.

"Mother i don't understand why i cant work with the coven." she smiled and then frowned while kissing my light brown hair. "I think its dangerous for an 18 year old." i hated when she said that.. "Isabella is only 2 months older!" this was really not fair with those words i walked off hearing my mother shouting my name into the air.

I walked through the village people starring at me as if i was different but i wasn't at least i dont think i am..I headed over to Isabelle's's hut and knocked lightly.

The door creaked open revealing a blonde haired,blue eyed girl also known as my best friend. "Good Day Mrs,Ella." she smiled "Certainly is Mrs,Amara." she retorted mocking me it was quite funny actually.

She showed me inside to her room and where we sat and practiced a little magic. "Ella what is the coven so worked up about?" lately everyone had been stressing and I'm not sure mother says its nothing but i knew something was wrong.

"Nothing at all why?'' i could instantly tell she was lying because her face went pale and her eyes were a different shade of blue.

"Okay.." i stated wanting to stay away from ella's bad side she just smiled and continued to show me her powers.

As soon as sun fall came after a long day of magic i was done,ran down and just ready to fall asleep. I walked out of Isabella's home and heard a loud scream from down by the river where my mother was..

I ran down to the river and saw something hoping my mind would forget. It was Elise another member of the coven her neck was torn to shred's blood spilling from the tear left in her neck i ran to her body and tried a spell nothing worked she was dead..

"Mother!!" i screamed hoping someone would hear my call for help but no one heard i had no clue what to do in this situation.I felt a light tap onto my shoulder as i turned around i was face to face with a boy looking around 19 brown hair and brown eyes he was quite attractive.

"Your a member of the Zapphire coven aren't you?" he looked confused,if he knew of my coven why didn't i know of him?

"Um yes i am.." he just frowned as i bit my lip while looking into his brown eyes they were lovely.

"Why don't i know you?" he smiled and i just looked behind me making sure no one was around me. "I'm not aloud to practice magic with my coven." he just looked angry for some mystery reason i just looked confused. "Well make sure you tell your parent or anyone in your control Kol said you are working with the coven okay darling?" i just looked at him and shook my head no. "Why would i do that?" he just laughed.

"Because i said you will." i just chuckled back like he would do something if i didn't.. "Darling i really don't want to start trouble with you." he frowned and i just smiled to him but as soon as i did he flash his teeth they weren't like mine. his eyes changed they became red with veins underneath i wanted to scream at the sight i raised my hand hoping to give him an aneurysm.

As he fell to the ground,i ran back to my hut with my mothers safety.

"Mother do you know of a kol?" her eyes widened as her smile turned into a frown,I looked at her confused she just sighed.

"Yes my sweet,but its a Long story." i just nodded "He is the one stressing the coven we are under his enslavement andAs he is forcing us to preform spells and if we do not,he will kill us." i gasped "What is he mother.." she looked shocked i would even ask such a question.

"Kol Mikaelson is a Vampire.."

i shook my head not believing her,but then i remember i just saw him turn into a creature of the night.. "Mother he told me i have to work for him also.." She cut me off "How does he know your a witch?" she looked angered at me i just sighed.

"Elise was dying i tried to preform a spell to bring her back and i guess kol was watching me.." she looked at me and turned away from my face. "Amara i told you no magic!" she shouted as her eyes met mine again. "i was trying to help mother!" as my words escaped my mouth i ran towards my bedroom closing the door.

As i entered i felt ice cold hands cover my mouth holding back my screams.

They turned me around so i was facing them it was Kol again.. i a tear release itself from my eye but i pushed it away and stood up hoping I safe..

"Darling you couldn't have done what i asked?" i took a step back hoping i wouldn't be to any harm he just smiled "I will ask once more will you join your coven love?" i just kept nodding over and over and he was gone without any other words.

I fell onto my cot feeling some minor tears wetting my face i just wiped them away closing my eyes hoping this would all fade away as nothing but a little memory..

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