Chapter 12

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
I see my brother with some orange paint on him. I see Error trying to help my brother stay on his feet, and Ink is trying to attack him. Ink flung some more orange paint to Dream. I blocked it with my tentacles and grabbed Ink with my tentacles. I could see him struggling in my grasp. I look behind me to see Error and my brother gone. "Ink, calm down," I said. Ink looks at me with a death stare. I shake my head. I walk back on the podium and spoke in the microphone. "Everyone! Everyone! Can I get your attention!" I see some people look and others not wanting to listen to me. "This ball is going to be canceled till further notice. All the money you had to pay in advance won't be returned but the next one you'll get a free invite," I said. I hear some groans and some people starting to pick fights. I see Killer, Dust, Horror lead most of those people out of the castle. I wonder where Error and my brother went?

Dream's P. O. V.
Error took me back home. He led me to my room and had me sit down on my office chair. I see him grab a couple of towels from the bathroom, he laid down the towels on my bed. "Dream, I know you might not be comfortable about this but, can I look at the marks that got left on your body?," Error said not sounding confident. "...I guess but you'll see me in a female echo body," I said. I saw blush rise on his face. He helps me up and starts helping me take the dress off. All I have in now is my bra and underwear. I normally wouldn't do this but I knew Error would know more about Ink's paint than me. He laid me down on my bed, I saw him looking at my body. "Ink did some damage to you." I looked and saw some burn marks. I sighed and said, "Yeah, still burns." "It's going to burn for a while. I haven't found anything to help it. If you were to take a cold bath it'll only make it worse," Error said. I rolled to my side facing Error. I curled up in a ball and said, "I feel kinda scared. Can you stay by me?" I wasn't looking at him but I had a feeling his face has more blush on it. "Yeah, but do you want some clothes on?" "That would be a good idea. Can you find me a thin shirt and a pair of black feminine shorts?"

I see him looking through my dresser, he found the shorts but looking for a shirt. Then I see him pull out a thin light blue shirt. On the shirt says meow with cat ears above the letters. He stood up and walked to me. He helped me up and helped with my shirt and shorts. He sees the wedding band on my leg and says, "Do you want that off?" I nod and he took that off for me. He took the towels off my bed and helped me lay back down. I see him take off his suit jacket and tie. "Do you mind if I switch into some different clothes?" Error asked me. "I don't mind," I said. I see him teleport. He must have teleported to the guest bedroom or to his room in my brother's castle. I see him teleport back with a white T-shirt with black basketball shorts. He has the rest of his suit on his arm, he walked to my dresser and set the parts of his suit on it. He walked back over to me and said, "Where do you want me to stay?" I scoot over and said, "By me." I see blue blush on his face, he laid down by me, facing me. "I'm not used to this," Error said embarrassed. "Me either," I said quietly. I get close to him and nuzzle into his chest, I felt his arms wrap around me. I felt him rest his head on my head. I felt calm with him right by me.

We stayed like this for a while, soon I felt tired and almost fell asleep. Then we hear a knock on the door, Error got out from under the covers and opened the door. "Error, is mom alright?" Palette asks worryingly. I got up out of the covers and swung my legs off the side of the bed. "I'm alright. Don't worry, Pally," I said tiredly. He walks over to me and hugged me. When he hugged me the pain seemed to grow stronger by his touch. He stopped hugging me and said, "I was with Goth and saw what Ink did to you. When I saw you collapsed on the ground, it frightened me." I look at Error, he walks over to me and sat by me. "I'm sorry you got frightened, Ink must have drank his red vial," I said. "You know what. It's time to get some revenge on that damn squid," Error said standing up, one hand a fist slamming his hand on the other hand. "Error, let's wait. If this gets too out of control, I agree with you but for now, let's see how things pan out," I said putting a hand on Error's arm. Error walked to my desk and grabbed a paper. I stood up, as I stood up I realized how much pain I actually am in. I walked over to Error and said, "If it'll make you feel better, let's figure out a plan when things do spiral out of control."

He looks at me and sighed, "You're right, but still. It hurts to see you hurt by him, I worry about you Dreamy. Can I ask you something?" I look at him confused, then said, "Sure, what is it?" He looks away then back at me and said, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I was shocked, I wasn't sure what to say. I was overjoyed. "Yes Error, yes! I'll be your boyfriend!" I hear Palette squealing in the background. I felt Error wrap his arms around my waist, I place one hand on his face and the other around his neck. He kissed me, I kissed back. "Mom has a boyfriend now!" Palette squealed.

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