Chapter 18

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The song above is for later if you want to listen to it for the story.

Dream's P. O. V.
It's been a couple of days since that nightmare. My brother kicked me and Palette out in the morning also Geno was kicked out too. He decided to keep Error with him.

I was in the living room sitting on the sofa, Palette also was in the living room. He sat on the fluffy chair. I was looking through my phone.

"Mom?" Palette asked. I look up at him and said, "Yes?" "I kinda miss having Error here. He made it a lot more fun here." I wasn't shocked he missed Error being here. Error made both Palette and I happy when he was here. "Yeah, me too Pally."

After a bit, I came across a message. It was from Ink.

I: Heya, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch. I wanted to make up for what I did. I acted out in rage, once it was done and Nightmare helped you and Palette, I immediately regretted it.

And that was it from him. I'm glad he realized what he did but, I'm not going to have lunch with him. Not after what he did, I'm still sore. I didn't feel like replying right now.

Error's P. O. V.
I was in my room, I didn't like being away from Dream but I knew if I was with him, Nightmare would drag me back here. I just want him to be safe, I worry about him. It worried me even more because of that nightmare he had. It sounded pretty rough.

Getting shot, trying to save lives, getting killed... even I would be terrified of it. He even said he got shot in the soul which I find painful.

Then I heard a knock on the door, I looked and said, "Who is it?" "It's me, Dust. Can I come in?" I sighed and got up. I opened the door and saw him right outside of my room. I waved for him to come in. He walked in and I closed the door behind him.

He sat at my desk and said, "I can tell you don't want to be here." I looked at him and said, "Why do you think that?" He stood up and looked at me dead in the eye sockets.

"Well, you were gone for a couple of days straight. Because of that, Nightmare got upset and tried to find you."

I just stared at him not saying anything. "I just wanted to get away from the chaos Killer, Horror, and sometimes Cross caused. I needed some quietness."

He shrugged and said, "I can understand that." Then we hear a yell come from downstairs. Both Dust and I walked out of my room and downstairs.

We saw Nightmare holding Cross upside down with his tentacles. "Nightmare! Let me down!" Cross yelled out. I see a grin grow on Nightmare's face. "No, you're going to stay like this for a little bit."

Nightmare looked at Dust and I. "Error get a couple of strings and tie him to the ceiling," Nightmare demanded me. I grabbed a couple of my strings, Nightmare set Cross down. I quickly tied Cross up, he was wrapped around the chest and torso, the strings connected to the ceiling to keep him off of the ground.

"Error, let me down!" Cross yelled out. I didn't say anything, I just stared at him. I felt a pat on my back, I flinched because of the touch. It was Nightmare. "You did well. Now I need to talk to you. Can you come with me to the throne room?" Nightmare said.

I agreed, I knew I didn't have a choice.

Dream's P. O. V.
I was in the kitchen. I had a notebook in front of me. I sketched some drawings on the paper, I wasn't sure if I should color them in.

I heard footsteps and looked, it was Palette and Goth. "Hi Palette, hi Goth," I said happily. "Hello," Goth said. "Hi mom, I was wondering, if it's ok with you... can I go on a date with Goth?" Palette asked me.

I looked at them and smiled. "Sure. That's fine with me. But does Geno and Reaper know?" I said. Goth nodded and said, "I made sure it was fine with them before asking Pally out."

"Make sure he gets back before three in the morning," I said. They both nodded and waved me bye. I waved back and continued to sketch.

After a while I stopped and stood up, I stretched making my bones pop. I closed the notebook and teleported it to my room.

I walked to the dance room. Once I got in there, I took my gloves and sleeves off. I set them on a small table. I walked over to the sound system.

I plugged my phone in and tried to find a song. I found a song that I haven't seen in ages, it was called Love Like You. I put it on and started to sing to it.

This is the part for the song. You can play the song if you want.

If I could begin to be

Half of what you think of me

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love

When I see the way you act

Wondering when I'm coming back

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

(Love like you)

I always thought I might be bad

Now I'm sure that it's true

'Cause I think you're so good

And I'm nothing like you

Look at you go

I just adore you

I wish that I knew

What makes you think I'm so special

If I could begin to do

Something that does right by you

I would do about anything

I would even learn how to love

When I see the way you look

Shaken by how long it took

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

Love like you

Love me like you

I finished the song and I sighed. It felt nice to sing.

Error's P. O. V.
I was able to escape the castle for a little bit. I wanted to check on Dream and see how he was doing.

When I arrived I heard some music. I walked over to where it came from. I lightly open the door and heard Dream sing.

I started to blush at how beautiful his voice sounded, he sounded amazing. Once he stopped singing I walked in and said, "You sounded beautiful, Dreamy." He turned and saw me. I see his face get covered in a yellow blush, kinda looking like the sun right now.

I pulled him close to me and kissed his cheek. Somehow he blushed even more. I laughed and said, "You're too cute."

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