Chapter 44

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Dream's P. O. V.
I was laying on the sofa, it was so warm. It's been a couple of weeks since I've been pregnant.

I'm not liking the morning sickness, soon I won't have it anymore. I got checkups at Sci's lab.

I was shocked he knew a lot about pregnancy, last time I went to a hospital and the doctor's office.

I felt a light touch on my shoulder, I see Error holding a bowl of apple slices, sitting next to me.

I gasped and childishly said, "Thank you!" He laughed and said, "You're welcome."

I sat up, I swung my legs to touch the ground. I grabbed the bowl setting it on my lap. I immediately grabbed a slice and took a bite.

I hummed as I felt the juice of the apple hit my tongue. I felt Error gently rub my back, I looked at him and smiled.

"I can tell your really happy," Error said in a sweet voice. I nodded and said, "Yeah, I don't even know how to explain how happy I feel."

He removed his hand off of my back, then he touched my belly. I lightly hummed liking his touch.

"You like that?" Error asked. I nodded eating another slice.

Then we heard a knock on the door, Error got up and check to see who it was.

"Oh, hi Dust. Everything alright?" Error asked. I set the bowl on the coffee table and got up. I walked over to Error.

I saw Dust heavily breathing. "Dust?" I ask. He looks at me and said, "I'm ok, I just ran."

"How about you come in," I said. He nodded and walked in. I see him look around, he looked shocked and said, "This is a nicely decorated home."

I smiled and said, "Thanks, Error and I tried really hard to make it look nice."

He walks to the living room and sat on the chair. I sat down on the sofa, I grabbed the bowl and took another bite of a slice.

Dust looked at me curiously and said, "You're eating apples?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, I've noticed I had a craving for apples."

Error sat by me, he looked at Dust and said, "It looks like you were running from something. What was it?"

Dust didn't look shocked but I could feel his aura, it felt like he was scared. "It was nothing," Dust said.

I set the bowl down and said, "I can feel your aura, you're scared. What was it?"

He looked shocked and said, "I forgot about that you can do that." I could tell I was getting a bit pissed.

Error put a hand on mine, he looked at me and said, "Dream, calm down." I sighed and said, "Yeah, your right. My mood swings kicking in."

Dust looked at us confused and said, "Am I missing something?" Error looked at Dust and said, "Don't you know Dream is pregnant?"

He looks shocked and said, "I didn't know that. Nightmare never told me." I stood up and said, "Error, if you need me I'll be in our room."

He nodded, I grabbed the bowl and walked upstairs. I went into our room, I sat the bowl on the bedside table. I laid down on top of the covers on the bed.

I nuzzled into the pillow, it felt nice to lay in bed during the daytime.




I woke up, I didn't realize I fell asleep.

I sleepily looked, I saw Error sitting on the bed by me. I placed one hand on his leg, he lightly jumped and said, "Have a nice nap?"

I nodded and yawned. He smiled at me and said, "Dust had a bunch of stress he told me, I'm glad you went up here. I didn't want you stressed out, that's bad for the baby."

I moved my hand off of his leg and sat up, I rubbed my belly. There was a tiny bump, still not noticeable.

Error scooted closer to me and placed his hand on mine that's on my stomach.

I looked at him and leaned my head on him. He smiled and said, "Do you want to snuggle? We can watch a funny show."

I nodded and said, "Yeah, that sounds good."

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