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Calvin and Charles Wallace were playing with the toy helicopter that George bought Charles Wallace for his birthday.

Paul's grandfather was there with them.

Calvin was playing it safe.  "Due to inclement weather, the prudent pilot circles the helipad until informed he can land... safely" he said bluntly.

"Would you look at that. Playing it safe. Have you no natural resources of your own, Calvin me boy? You're as bad as little Ringo. Doing boring things unless he's out there with me grandson and that lot" said Paul's grandfather.

"Hey! Don't you judge me!" Calvin sassed back. 

"All I'm saying is you worry too much about safety. It's better when you're out here living"

"I'm totally aware of that, but when George bought this thing for Charles Wallace, he said not to fly too high. It could be dangerous" 

"Dangerous is what makes it good. Using a toy like that responsibly is pointless"

"Honestly, I think the old man has a point, Cal" said Charles Wallace. 

"That's a boy, Charles. Why don't you have a go at taking a chance" said Paul's grandfather.

Charles Wallace took the helicopter and flew it higher and faster than Calvin flew it. "Fly like the wind" he squealed.

"Now that's more like it" said Paul's grandfather. 

Suddenly, Charles Wallace lost control of the helicopter and it flew right toward a billboard and landed in the teacup that was standing on the billboard. 

Meanwhile, Meg, Sam and the other Beatles were taking care of Paul who was sick yet again.

"At least it's not like the days of Hamburg where he caught this flu every other week" said George. 

"Mmm. Any better, Paulie?" Meg said. "It's the same" was Paul's answer.

"Sammy, can I borrow your pixie dust?" said Charles Wallace.

"Sure. Why?"

"Paul's grandfather stirred me and Cal up and now my helicopter's in a giant teacup" said Charles Wallace.

Sam lent him some of her dust and Charles Wallace went to get his helicopter back.

However, when he was about to fly home, Charles Wallace was stuck in the teacup on the billboard.

He sent a telegram to Calvin with his helicopter for help.

Calvin got stuck too and they kept trying to get out, but they couldn't.

It's been a while, but it's happened. 

Part 2 of this is coming soon!

Peace and love,


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