Chapter Five: Who Would've Thought...

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"What do you -"

"Derek,quiet.She's waking up."The sounds of Derek's voice yelling filled my ears as I woke up,my eyes slowly opening.A white light blinded my eyes but soon enough, I adjusted to it.The faces of Derek's, his mother Rose's, and another woman of long flowing red hair stood beside my bed.I held my side as a sharp pain hit it suddenly and made my cringe."Do you wanna sit up?" Rose asked."Please," I forced through my teeth and watched as she took my hand and helped bring me upI looked at Derek with awe.He looked dreadfully tired,he looked like he hadnt even taken a shower." Honey,are you ok?" He asked,receiving a nod from me.He held me tight and hesitated to let go."Nice to see you're awake Avery.Im the pack doctor Dr . Carmelo."

"Hi . I'm Avery "

"The only thing I could find wrong was a sprained rib.Stay in bed.Rest,take painkillers for the pain,and dont engage in any activities that could possibly worsen it" she said,followed by a serious wink that caused me to blush."You may go now.Oh and no shifting." I nodded and got out of bed with Derek's assistance,who still remained quite clingy on the way out.He mustve mindlinked already because when we made it outside,his Beta Jeremy was already standing outside with a black SUV right behind him . Without any other words, I got into the car and buckled myself in. The ride home was coated with silence as Derek kept his eyes ditected on me,which was kinda odd since he would rarely do this.I didn't fret it though, he was probably angry as ever at me for not listening to him.

Once home,I immediately raced upstairs to bed,ignoring those who'd greeted me.I needed to be alone;  I opened the heavy wooden door and went to the bed. After kicking off my shoes, I lay back on the bed and whimpered as my right side ached heavily. Of course, being a werewolf meant healing privileges, so I'd be fine within the day or even tomorrow. While staring at the ceiling I began to hum a song and sorta squirm to it,  something I'd do when I was bored. " Staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in your heart 'cause love comes slow and it goes so fast. Well you see her when you fall asleep,but never to touch and never to keep cause you loved her too much and you dived too deep." The sound of laughter filled the room and I immediately shut up,glaring at Derek as he stood at the fireplace laughing his ass off. "It's not funny"

" You were enjoying yourself, it seems. I didn't know you could sing.What song was that? "

"Let Her Go by Passenger. You've never heard the song before? "

"I remember hearing it about 2 years ago." I shot him a bird and watched as he crawled onto the bed and hovered over my body with a smirk planted on his lips."No sex. Besides, you're mad at me"

"Yes,I am mad and I know we can't. ..there's something you should know "

" Tell me"

"Actually,my parents said to wait until dinnertime.I promise I'll tell you." I rolled my eyes and looked away from him."I wanna know something about you"

"Like? "

"I wanna know why your father hates me." He gave a confused look at first but from the corner of my eye,I could see his eyes go blavk." What did he do? "

"Every time he looks at me, he'll look away with disgust as if I did something terrible. Maybe I shouldn't have came back. Maybe I should've stayed at home"

"Baby,no. Don't worry about him.You're mine and your this packs' Luna." I nodded and looked at my mate with lust written in my eyes. I wanted him dearly, but due to this stupid injury, we couldn't have sex. I saw a frown place on his lips, knowing he'd broken through the barrier I'd put to cancel out any mindlink with anyone." Once you've healed, we can have some alone time.I promise." He got up then kissed my forehead. "I'll be in my office. Mindlink if you need anything "

"Can I have some water?  My throat is dry. " He nodded and made his way downstairs before eventually coming back with a bottle of water.He handed it to me and I opened it immediately and drinking at least half the bottle. "Thirsty much? " I rolled my eyes against and watched as he left the room. Once again, I was alone.


"Luna, you look beautiful " A woman of the pack stated as I walked down the stairs of the giant house. Tonight, I wore a black dress that stopped at my knees with spaghetti straps.I also wore red lipstick, black heels, and diamond earrings Rose allowed me to borrow. She'd helped me pick out the outfit and I must say that the woman had taste in my style. As I walked into the kitchen, everyone at the table stood with smiles planted on their lips. Was today my birthday?  I think I would remember. Derek walked over from the head of the table and took my arms in his and led me to the chair at his left." Derek, what's going on? "

"You'll find out soon." I gave a nod and sat down in the seat, everyone following my example. The entire night,it seemed I was the main event, everyone complimenting me on something I had no clue about. "You must be proud, " one woman said. " Yes. I am. " I played along to everyone's joyous attitudes and a clink was heard and everyone stood to raise their glasses,all eyes directed on me.

" Avery, " Rose began." We honor you and welcome you into our pack. Tomorrow, we welcome your child into the pack." I tilted my head and looked at them in confusion. " What child?  I'm not pregnant." Derek took my and and smiled." Yes you are. We found out at the pack infirmary. We were given instructions not to tell you, but we couldn't help it." I looked down at my stomach and stood up before walking away and heading back to the room. There's no way in hell I'm pregnant. I would've been having morning sickness if I was or having cravings or whatever. I opened the door and entered it by kicking off my heels and stripping off my dress and  dropping it to the ground. I lay there in bed in nothing but a bra and panties.I cried as I placed my hand on my stomach. That means I jeopardize my baby's life when that man kicked my stomach . "Avery. " I sighed and looked towards the door as Derek stood there and looked at me a little hurt." I could've gotten our baby killed Derek. I don't deserve it if I nearly killed it." He walked over and lay behind me before wrapping his arms around my stomach carefully." It's ok.And yes you deserve it. You're going to be a great mother in 3 months.I promise you that." I nodded and began to smile. " How long was I in the hospital bed? "

"Only for a day." After only beinghere for 7 days, I was already this packs' Luna, already pregnant, and I'd found the love of my life.

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