chapter 10

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The couple's were watching TV and talking about which character is the best. When that was over bose went to kitchen to make lunch. They waited for bose to finish there lunch so they decided to play some music the wind and sparks form there second album video above. After bose finished making there lunch and given to them he went down stairs to the man cave to relax for the day. Chapa see bose down at the the man cave so she went down there and saw bose watching some videos on YouTube.
C: hey bosie.
B: hey baby.
C: ( sits on his lap).
B: you know you don't have to sit on my lap all the time.
C: I know but your comfortable now eat.
B: I'm not hungry.
C: I'm not letting you starve for me.
B: alright fine.
Chapa and bose stay down in the basement  for a while when it got to night time bose made them dinner and washed  the dishes  and they took a shower watch  tv a little  bit and went to bed.
(A/N sorry for the  short chapter).

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