Chapter 35 : Boys Chase Girl

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I sat next to Tyler , he seemed nice and I'm sure he meant no harm. "Okay then I was like , Josh Fionna is from a different world . But she is not just the Ice King's story !" I nodded and laughed{I told you so , I have been reading fan fiction far too much} . "Finally someone who I can actually relate to." I sighed in excitement. "I can't be the only one that you can relate to I mean your are really popular . There must be dozens of friends that can relate." he laughed. I stopped laughing , considering the fact that Jason didn't actually let me talk to anyone but his boys and their snobby girlfriends . "Not really , Jason doesn't let me talk to anyone . I can only talk to the other guys or the snobby girlfriends . The only one who I can talk to is his sister." his face is pity . I hated having someone pity me , I felt weak . It wasn't something I liked , his face changed to normal state . "Why'd you do that?" I asked he gave me a puzzled look . "What do mean ?" I guess not everyone can pick up what I'm saying . "I mean your face changed back , as if you knew I hate pity." a blush grew on his cheeks . He played with his fingers , "I think it was a lucky guess?". We both giggle lightly and we are at school , he waits for others to pass . He sure was a gentleman , almost like a prince . I smiled at him as I got off , I waited for him to get off and he helped the girl with crutches . "Thanks again Ty , thanks for the cookies . Merry Christmas!" the little girl called out an waved to Ty. "I see you have a fangirl on your hands ." we both laughed lightly . "I guess so , I see you have competition ." I put on my best prissy face . "As if , I can just knock her down ."I pouted and tried not to laugh."Oh no everyone watch out for Eli she is coming for you!" he fake cried ."Rawr I am the big bad wolf."I growled. "You are so jelly cause you don't have all this ." he points at himself."Oh hardharhar Ty , as if I want that." we both start laughing . "Man your too funny Ty , do you wanna come and sit with us I'll save you a spot next to me." he nods and smiles. Then his smile drops , I turn around to see Jason . "Hey Jay what's up ?" I ask . He doesn't even pay attention to me , he glares at Ty."Who is he?" he asks still glaring at him . I can see that Ty is scared for his life , he looks at me .Then I remember what he said on the bus , "Well first off Jason stop glaring at him and be nice . This is Tyler he rides my bus and he happens to be very nice so I recommend you stop being so rude. He is sitting with us during lunch today and that's final." I speak out of breath .They both stare at me with awe and shock , I huff . "Come on you two we are going to be late." I felt so confident it was awesome!


"What did you say his last name was?" John asks me . "Um I think it was Stokes?" his face turned from normal to anger in about two seconds. "That son of a bit-", a smash cut him off . He sniffs around a bit . He growls , "Come on out Calien . I know you're here you son of b****." then a middle aged man with dirty blonde hair with strips of white . His eyes were glowing red , "Ah let's play a game Johnson." ....

Think of this as a early Chirstmas gift , Happy Christmas Eve!
-Two hands one heart

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