Chapter 3

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Heavy rain fell from the dark gray clouds. Adrien dragged his feet through the desolate city with a worn out Plagg resting in his hands. The damp smell of rainwater passed through his nostrils while his wet clothes stuck to his body, making him more capable of feeling each of the large raindrops strike his skin through his thinned out clothing like a thousand needles.

Adrien’s feet came to a halt when he stepped underneath a tall tree in the park, shielding him and his kwami from the rain with its massive green leaves. Adrien let out a long sigh of exhaustion and leaned his back against the damp trunk, not caring about staining his clothes. Plagg perked up in his hands and looked at his holder with sympathy in his bright green eyes.

“I didn’t bring my wallet,” Adrien reached into his jacket and pulled out a small piece of cheese, “I’m sorry, Plagg. That’s all I have left.”

Adrien froze when another realization hit him. Not only had he forgotten to bring money, but he also left his phone in his bedroom. At this point, he was forgetting everything. How was he going to call someone for help? If he was lucky, one of the few friends he had would come and find him.

But who would be crazy enough to walk around in such weather like this? The rain was so heavy he swore it could break through a glass window. Adrien sank down along the tree trunk until he hit the ground with his knees curled up against his chest.

With Plagg sitting on his left knee, Adrien hugged his legs to his chest. His shoulders shivered and his teeth clattered from the water that had soaked through his clothes and dripped from his hair.

“What are you gonna do now?” Plagg asked.

Adrien shrugged, “I guess I’ll just have to stay here until the rain stops.”

Finding a place to stay was another problem. It was a Friday, meaning he couldn’t ask one of his friends to give him a roof to stay under for a while. But even if he had the chance, how was he even supposed to explain this situation to them? Tell them that his father was some evil villain who attacked him?

As much as he hated how his own father was his enemy, the last thing he wanted was for Hawkmoth’s identity to get out there. Given their social status, this news would spread like wildfire and people would most likely suspect that Adrien has been helping him.

For now, the only person he could trust with this new and unfortunate discovery was Ladybug. If he could find a time to tell her. Above the heavy rainfall, footsteps splashed against the damp ground, getting closer and closer to Adrien.

Upon hearing this, Plagg dashed into hiding. Adrien loosened his arms around his knees and sat up straight with his attention on the figure walking towards him holding an umbrella. More specifically, his black umbrella. Adrien’s eyes lit up when he realized who was walking towards him.

Marinette stopped right next to Adrien and knelt down with the umbrella shielding both of them. Adrien’s eyes traveled from the stick of the umbrella to the blue irises of the pigtailed girl kneeling by his side, bringing back memories of the day he first met her. Only this time, she was the one holding the umbrella, the same umbrella he gave her. A deafening clap of thunder roared in the distance, making Adrien blink his way out of his brief flashback.

“What are you doing out here in the rain?” Marinette asked.

The bluenette tilted her head to get a better look at the soaking Adrien. His right cheek had a large, light purple mixed with yellow spot on it. It was barely even visible unless you looked close enough.

Curiously, Marinette reached her free hand out to him and lightly pressed her finger on his bruise. Adrien scrunched his face up at the shallow ounce of pain that came as a result. Realizing she was hurting him, Marinette quickly withdrew her hand.

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