Chapter 22

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What was wrong with him?

The farther he swung, the heavier the weight of his chest grew. Deep down, a part of him regrets pushing her away like that. He had a chance with her, and he completely blew it. God, he was such an idiot.

Once he decided the weight was far too much to bear, Misterbug stopped swinging and landed on top of a building. He placed his yo-yo away and slumped down, his legs dangling back and forth over the edge of the rooftop.

A storm of emotions wrecked him internally. Guilt, anger, frustration, a combination of other emotions that he wasn't sure there were even words for. The thing is, those emotions were aimed more towards himself than at her. He was guilty for lashing out at her, irritated at himself for letting his emotions control his actions. He wanted to swing back to her, but how would she even react to seeing him again? Did she even want to see him?

Ill fatedly, this raging tempest of negative emotions had been the perfect target for a sinister purple butterfly. The akuma fluttered close to him, which Misterbug's line of sight just barely brushed upon. Before he had time to even panic, the tainted butterfly came into contact with his yo-yo.

"No!" Misterbug shouted, gripping the sides of his head, "Get out of my body!"

His teeth grinded against each other so tightly, his jaw clenched painfully. His entire body shook violently like an earthquake from his desperate attempt at resisting his own akumatization. Desperate to keep control over his body. But it was no use, as his fear of becoming akumatized only added to the already powerful negative emotions that filled him.

Misterbug grabbed his yo-yo, lifting it to his face. With no other choice, the soon-to-be villain sent one quick message to his superhero partner.

And then his body became submerged in the dark purple smog of antagonism.


"Damn," Plagg muttered, "That kid is screwy."

"Plagg," Marinette sighed, "You're not helping."

Marinette sat cross legged on the rooftop, staring out at the direction that Misterbug disappeared into. Plagg floated by her side, staring into the distance with her. Ironically, the blinding yellow sun shined above the city today, tinting the entire sky a light hue of blue. Leaving no clouds in its wake.

Just like his eyes when she met him in this world.

Her phone that had been tucked inside her pocket vibrated against her leg. Unenthusiastically, Marinette reached inside her pocket and pulled out her mobile device. Her eyebrows lifted when she took in the name written on her screen. It was none other than her superhero partner Misterbug. However, her surprised state quickly converted to panic when she read the short, two-word message he had sent her.

Save me.

A large, red triangle with a white exclamation point inside popped up, taking up her entire screen. Her phone vibrated continuously in her hands, sending a sharp tingle down her arm. It wasn't long before the red-haired reporter Nadja Chamack appeared onscreen.

"This is an emergency! Our city's beloved hero Misterbug has been akumatized!" Nadja reported frantically, "If you are currently outdoors, please run to your nearest shelter and do not go back outside under any circumstances until this issue is resolved!"

Marinette gasped loudly, nearly dropping her phone after hearing this unfortunate news. Her partner, the only one with the ability to purify akumas, had been akumatized himself. Her chest throbbed with aching guilt, and she couldn't help but think it was her fault.

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