Chapter 12

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“What do I do, Tikki?!”

Tikki watched as her holder rummaged through his closet, tossing out a number of clothing combinations. The kwami swiftly flew to the side to avoid getting hit by a black T-shirt. Adrien pulled a black tuxedo jacket out of his closet and held it up for Tikki to see.

“Is this good or too fancy?”

Way too fancy,” Tikki said, “Go for something more casual.”

Tikki snatched the tuxedo out of his hands and tossed it back inside his closet. Adrien continued looking through his clothes in search of the perfect outfit.

“I only have two hours left to get ready!” Adrien wailed, “I haven’t even washed my hair yet!”

“Why don’t you go do that, then?” Tikki suggested, “In the meantime, I’ll help you find an outfit.”

Adrien nodded, “Good idea.”


Adrien finished the outfit that Tikki picked out by rolling the sleeves of his black button-up shirt just above his elbows. He did a few semi turns in the mirror, examining his appearance from a number of different angles and making small adjustments.

“Something about this outfit feels familiar,” Adrien muttered and leaned in closer to the mirror.

Underneath the black button-up, the boy on the other side of the glass wore a white T-shirt with five multicolored horizontal stripes printed near the chest area. Tikki had also picked out a pair of light pink pants for him.

“What do you mean?” Tikki asked, “That’s the first time you’ve worn an outfit like that.”

“I don’t know, I’m feeling a sense of déjà vu,” Adrien said.

Adrien’s eyes traveled to the bathroom counter, where they landed on a pair of scissors. His thumb and fingers slid themselves through the finger holes as if they had a mind of their own, lifting the scissors to his hair.

Tikki blinked in confusion as Adrien’s fingers began working on his hair, filling the bathroom with soft snipping sounds. Short but thick strands of golden hair fell upon the counter in the process.

Once he was done, the front of Adrien’s hair hovered just above his ears and the back of his neck was now visible. Adrien set the scissors down and stared blankly into the mirror. The longer he stared, the lighter the color of his overshirt grew. At the same time, the color of his T-shirt grew darker.

Before he knew it, the boy in the glass wore the exact same outfit but with a white overshirt, black T-shirt, and light blue jeans. His eyes have also radiated a bright green color rather than his blue eyes.

Adrien gasped and jumped back from the mirror. He wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt, blinking rapidly a couple times before looking back at the glass. His clothes and eye color have returned to their normal colors. Tikki tilted her head, now concerned for the miraculous bearer.

“What happened?”

Adrien rubbed his forehead, “I don’t know. It must have been my imagination again.”

Adrien turned his head to look at the haircut he had just given himself. He had no idea why he cut his hair in the first place, but somehow this new hairstyle felt more natural. At that moment, the only thing that seemed out of place was, for some reason, the silver earrings一also known as his miraculous.

“Adrien, watch the time!” Tikki said quickly, “You’re going to be late if you don’t leave now!”

Snapping out of his thoughts, Adrien shoved his phone into his pocket while the red kwami flew inside his jacket. He gave his hair one last swipe with his comb before sprinting out of the bathroom at top speed.

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