Chapter 7

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"Everyone, please stay as far away from the Eiffel Tower as possible!" The news reporter commanded from the TV screen.

Emilie and Gabriel watched from the couch as the humongous stone being stomped through the city. Police vehicles and helicopters surrounded the Eiffel Tower, shooting at whatever this thing was. However, with every hit it received, the villain only grew bigger.

A loud roar escaped its lungs, sending a powerful gust of wind towards those around it. The police officers ducked as its massive stone hand swung against a car. The blue and white vehicle crashed into a nearby building, breaking through the window. Screams of those who had taken shelter inside that particular building erupted from inside.

The villain was about to destroy another vehicle, but was stopped when Sabine's voice echoed inside its head.

"Stoneheart, stop destroying the city!" Zhǎn Chì demanded, "You're supposed to get rid of Divertia, not wreak havoc!"

Directly after she said that, a large, black blur zipped overhead. Emilie and Gabriel scooted to the edge of their seats at the sudden interruption that appeared onscreen.

Shouts from the nearby police officers rang from the other side of the screen as this new villain revealed itself in front of the camera. Divertia, the akumatized villain who had been roaming around for who knows how long.

Gabriel shakily gripped the sides of his head as an intense spark of pain pulsated against his skull. The loud thumps pounded at a steady beat in his ear, like listening to somebody's heartbeat through a stethoscope. He pushed the palm of his hands harder against his head, as if the extra pressure could somehow relieve his neuralgia.

"Emilie, go get an ice pack for me," Gabriel requested.

No answer came from his wife. Gabriel shot his head towards her, only to find the beautiful blonde woman lying unconscious by his side. Gabriel gasped and lowered his hands. Ignoring all the pain in his head, he placed his hands on her arm and shook her gently. At that moment, his insanely agonizing headache was the least of his concerns.



Lady Noire darted across a rooftop in a black blur, her long braid trailing behind. Although the Misterblog said her and Misterbug have been protecting the city for two years, it felt as if this was the first time she's ever transformed. Something about this suit was just... Unnatural. Like it never belonged to her in the first place.

The cat-themed superheroine leaped over the edge, landing safely onto the next building. On the row of buildings located across the street, Lady Noire spotted a blond-haired boy dressed in a red suit with red spots. Misterbug, the boy who is (apparently) her crime-fighting partner. The two heroes sprinted at the same pace as Lady Noire yelled out to him.

"Hey! Bugaboy! You're my partner, right?"

Misterbug turned his head towards the cat hero. One of his yellow eyebrows lifted, though Lady Noire was too far away to notice. He hardly even knew what he was doing and from the looks of it, neither did Lady Noire.

"Just call me Misterbug," He called back, "But to answer your question, yes I am."

"Okay, cool," Lady Noire responded, "Just to let you know, I may be一"

Lady Noire had been cut off when her foot slipped over the edge of the rooftop, causing her to lose her balance and descend down the building with a long, high-pitched scream. Misterbug quickly latched his yo-yo onto a building across the street. With a tug of the string, the superhero swung downwards through the air.

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