Chapter 3

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Taeyeon looks intensely at her secretary. Tiffany felt tense in her movements as she poured a drink for her boss. Taeyeon grabs the drink, purposely brushing her fingers on Tiffany's hand. The latter's eyes widen by the skin contact and immediately bowed in apology and looks away.

Taeyeon beams a quick smirk. Then slowly her smile disappeared, hiding it from Tiffany.
Along with those five years, Taeyeon did not dare to make a move to her secretary. It was weird, she can admit that she have office romance before. Mostly some young interns in the company. Yet it was weird that she never even tried to flirt with Tiffany.

Tiffany is smart, beautiful and hell she was sexy. Still for Taeyeon, it is Tiffany. Tiffany is not someone she can have fun with. She respected Tiffany as a colleague. Maybe due to her big impact, Yuri might be right. Taeyeon can't live without Tiffany.

"Miss Kim, I have arranged a 7 o'clock flight in the morning. Is that okay with you?"
Taeyeon nods as she chew her food. "Yes, Tiffany. It's fine."
Both enjoyed their meal together.


Taeyeon was exhausted as she let's out a sigh. She took a nap and showered as she planned to go on her King Bar. She invited Yuri to tag along as she was sorry about the small time they shared due to her drunk state.

Taeyeon was welcomed by Yuri sitting with bunch of girls. She beams a smirk as she approaches them, more like the young girl with a short hair wearing a tight black dress.
"Hey cutie." The girl's eyes widen when she recognized the Great Kim Taeyeon. Taeyeon just smirks and took a sit, immediately touching the girl's waist.

Yuri shakes her head at the sight. "Hey, is Tiff not coming with you?"
Taeyeon's smirk instantly faded as she slowly shift her gaze to Yuri.

"What did you say?" She looks pissed and Yuri was taken aback by the sudden pissed face.
"W-what's wrong? I just ask if Tiff is coming over, Tiffany your secretary." Yuri calmly explained.

Taeyeon let out a huff as she mocks Yuri by saying "Tiff". She then looks at Yuri. "Why do you call her Tiff, is she your friend now?" Yuri nods without hesitant. "Yeah, we sometimes saw each other anyway because of you. So yeah we are somewhat friends now. Why?"

Taeyeon was pissed more. She drinks and gulps every last drop from her cup before standing up, facing Yuri. "Don't try to make a move to her okay? Don't play with her. She's a good person." Yuri then turns into a serious face. "I know she is, Taeyeon. Who doesn't?" Taeyeon ignored her as she steps out of the club dragging the girl she was flirting with along.

Taeyeon let's out her frustration as she kissed the girl roughly and pushed her down to bed. Taeyeon roams the girl's body and removed the pieces of clothing harshly that it almost ripped.
The girl let's out a load moan when Taeyeon starts to do her roughly.

Taeyeon closes her eyes as she cusses. "They're fucking friends? Whatever."


Tiffany woke up around 4 in the morning and instantly prepares some breakfast for her boss as Yuri texted her last night that Taeyeon was mad and furious as she left the bar.
"She must be having her tantrums again."

Tiffany let out a sigh, her boss is too fragile for her. Except Yuri and Taeyeon's family, she's the only one who knows about Taeyeon's phobia in their company.

Tiffany types the passcode and happily walks in to the kitchen to place Taeyeon's breakfast but then she was beyond shock when she heard a loud voice inside the latter's room.

"Get the fuck out, now!" She then saw a young teenager running while crying, covered with a big baggy jacket.

She felt her heart sink, Taeyeon was stressed out again. Everytime she saw her boss kissing someone always gaves her that discomfort, the pain. Why can't Taeyeon have a healthy lifestyle? Why does Taeyeon chose to be like this? Or she was just jealous? She doesn't know.

As for the girls that runs outside crying, she never felt pity on them due to she knows that Taeyeon calmly explained to them what she wants, it's the girls who keeps on insisting and annoys Taeyeon.
She let out a sigh as she slowly drops the spoon down. She closes her eyes.

Taeyeon got out of the room looking pissed and annoyed but then her expression change when she spots her Secretary Hwang preparing on the kitchen. The two locked gaze. Taeyeon's expression showed mixed surprised, guilt and confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"I prepared breakfast, hangover soup to be exact." Explained Tiffany as she continued to make coffee for Taeyeon.
Taeyeon waited for Tiffany's gaze so that she can smile to thank her but the Secretary was too preoccupied in the kitchen chores. Taeyeon clears her throat. Trembling, she utters a quick "Thank you."

Tiffany almost dropped the cup of coffee and she looks at Taeyeon in surprise. "W-what?"
Taeyeon avoided her gaze. "Are you deaf?" Tiffany then immediately bowed in apology. "I'm sorry Miss Kim."
As Taeyeon started eating, she stops midway and looks at Tiffany.
"What are you standing at? Eat with me." Tiffany just manage to smile. "Thank you for the offer, but I have eaten Miss Kim." Taeyeon just rolled her eyes.

"Oh by the way, how did you know that I have a hangover?"
"Miss Yuri texted me last night."
Taeyeon suddenly chokes at her soup and started coughing so Tiffany immediately gave her a glass of water. "Are you okay, Miss Kim?"

"She texted you?!" Tiffany flinched at a sudden loud voice. "Y-yes Miss Kim, if that invaded your privacy I am so sorry, it won't happen again."
Taeyeon shakes her head. "No, not that. How did she got your number?" Tiffany was confused about the sudden question.

"She asked for it last time at the party when you excused yourself for a bathroom break, Miss Kim." Taeyeon closes her eyes in frustration and she realizes that Tiffany calls Yuri by her name. She felt more pissed.

"Don't call me that. Call me by my name." Tiffany lost her balanced for the first time in her heels and she looks at Taeyeon with a wide eyes. "P-pardon? Miss Kim?"

"Damn it! I said call me by my name! If we're not inside the office, call me by my name."
Tiffany clears her throat and shakes her head. "I am sorry but I can't do that. I would still like to call you by your last name to maintain our professionalism, I still work for you. Miss Kim. Still you can ask me to be your frie-- I mean, nothing maam. I am sorry."

Tiffany hesitated to say the friend word. Taeyeon looks at her. She sigh and nods. "I guess so, I'm impressed. One last question Tiffany."
"Yes, Miss Kim?"
"Who's more attractive, me or Yuri? Don't think and just answer before I'll take away you day off this week."

Tiffany's eyes widen in shock as she shakily utter. "U-uh--"
"Be honest, I know you." Tiffany clears her throat and inhales.

"No one is more attractive than you, Miss Kim." She smiled at her boss, showing her sincerity.
Taeyeon let's out a smirk and stood up. "Now let's go to work!" She excitedly exclaimed.

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