Chapter 5

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Tiffany's blood rise up to her face and her mouth was agape. She was struck. She didn't know what to say as she looks at Taeyeon in surprise.

"I like you taking care of me, Tiffany." Taeyeon's words repeated on her mind like a broken record as she stares at her boss who was quietly eating. She felt her heart pounding hard. Her knees was starting to get weak and her palms are getting sweaty.

Taeyeon shifted her gaze to look at Tiffany. "Are you okay?"

Tiffany snaps out of her thoughts as she looks at Taeyeon. "Yes, Miss Kim. I am sorry." Tiffany bowed at Taeyeon to say her sorry.

Taeyeon let's out a chuckle as she gets up from bed. Tiffany then responded automatically by assisting Taeyeon. Taeyeon rejects her offer as she speak. "I can still walk, you know." Tiffany just bowed her head in embarrassment.

Taeyeon ordered her driver to take Tiffany home. "You don't need to do this Miss Kim, I can go home via taxi." Taeyeon ignored her as she patted Tiffany's head. "Go home safely, will you? See you tomorrow Hwang." Taeyeon closed the door after she assisted Tiffany to ride the car.
Tiffany sat in the car dumbfounded.

Was that her boss? What happened to Taeyeon to act that way? Tiffany then felt her cheeks reddened and her heart was beating crazily. She then absentmindedly touched her head that Taeyeon touched a while ago. Tiffany smiled but soon removed it when she realize how weird she was.

"What am I doing?!"
The driver looks at her confusingly as he asked. "Maam?"
Tiffany then looks at the driver and awkwardly laugh. "Hehe, nothing. Don't mind me, Mr. Park."

Tiffany then felt embarrassed. Tiffany looks outside as she sigh. Taeyeon was running in her mind again. I mean, did Taeyeon left her mind in the first place?


Tiffany woke up to go to work, of course she needs to be there earlier than her boss. She looked at the mirror as she let out a satisfying smile. She was contented with her black tank top covered with a black checkered formal jacket.

She was freely to wear what she wants in the company because Taeyeon did not really care about uniforms or outfits as long as it's casual and not unpleasant. Tiffany then applied a much red lipstick rather than yesterday. She looks at herself weirdly.

Why was she extra effort in her look today? Why did she want to show of? Then Taeyeon's name crossed her mind. She shakes her head.

(Tiffany's outfit for imaginary purposes)

"Gosh, Miss Kim! What's wrong with me?" She then looks at the mirror frustratingly

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"Gosh, Miss Kim! What's wrong with me?" She then looks at the mirror frustratingly. Then she realize she crunched her face bad, she quickly smiles and arranges her strands of hair before she grabbed her sling bag and other documents to go.

Tiffany stayes at a condominium that her father brought for her when she moved to Seoul to work. She wouldn't deny that it was quite fancy and big for a secretary. Tiffany's family was furious when they heard that their youngest is going to migrate to Korea. I mean, how can a millionaire like her suddenly wants to move to Korea to be a Secretary? However none of them knows what Tiffany does for a living because she didn't really want her father to go berserk that her only daughter and a heiress of a famous traveling agency that owns lots of air transportation will suddenly go down to be a Secretary.

Tiffany did not like the spotlight so she begged her father to keep her low profiled and she also reject the responsibilities. Her reason? She wants to earn money by herself. She wants to be independent. You would call if puberty but Tiffany calls it happiness. She was born with everything, so she wants to experience to get something she needs to earn.

Her mother and father supported Tiffany's decision at first because Tiffany took Buisness Management. The girl is into business! Her parents may have thought but then they were surprised when suddenly Tiffany wanted to migrate to Korea. She has a heritage of Korean blood in her so Tiffany also wants to know her true self and that involves her nationality. She was learning Korean as she was schooling. She has already planned things in her mind.

Tiffany was originally from California but then she moved to Seoul after she finished college. She was looking to apply for a job but then she saw Taeyeon with an anger issue crying in the rain. Of course she took the devastated Taeyeon home and took care of her. Taeyeon didn't say her thankfulness instead she offered Tiffany a job. Tiffany was surprised but then again, she needs it. That's how their story began.

Tiffany laughs at the memory as she was looking outside the bus.


"You have a 9 o'clock schedule photoshoot and interview with M magazine, a three o'clock coffee meeting with Mr. Jung regarding to our buisness in Ilsan and also an office meeting around 5 o'clock." Tiffany informed as she bent down to Taeyeon's table to place Taeyeon's morning coffee.

Taeyeon nods as she looks at her secretary. She then clears her throat and looks at Tiffany seriously.

"Please pull it up." Tiffany looks at Taeyeon weirdly, not understanding what her boss meant.
"Pardon, Miss Kim?" Taeyeon groans in frustration as she looks at Tiffany. "Nothing, it's okay if it's me but don't bend down to other people like that, okay? Dismiss!"

Tiffany flinched but then nods and gets out from Taeyeon's office.

Tiffany sighs as she gets the cold coffee she bought from the vending machine. She was still touching the canned drink. Her brows met in confusion as she tries to get what Taeyeon was saying until she dropped a coin.

She bents down to get the coin but then she looks at the glass in the vending machine. She pulls up her tank top because it showed her cleavage a bit.

Just like a bell, it ringed in her mind. Taeyeon was pissed because her cleavage was showing!
She felt her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. She thinks Taeyeon disliked the unpleasant and unprofessional act so she let out  a sigh, feeling embarrass. Then suddenly, she remembered Taeyeon's words.

"It's okay if it's me but don't bend down to other people like that, okay?!"

What did Taeyeon meant by those words? She wasn't allowed to bent down to other people but Taeyeon is an exemption. It's okay if it's Taeyeon? She felt her cheeks reddened as she looks away. Discarding her silly thoughts and conclusions.


Taeyeon finished her schedule but after the meeting, her father called for her to pass a compilation of sales per year since she started working. She was surprised and was taken aback by the sudden request. Did her father doubt on her? It was impossible, maybe her father was planning something big for the company and that's probably the reason why she wants to check if the company is stable.
She let's out a sigh, she has a lot of work to do.

She ordered Secretary Hwang to pass her the documents of sale from five years ago until now. Taeyeon immediately felt the regret as Tiffany entered with lots of officemates along with her, all men. They were all carrying loads of paper as they placed it beside Taeyeon.

Taeyeon sighs, she can easily get help from her employees but she didn't. The office today was hectic due to recreating the upcoming opening of branch to France so she didn't want to tire her employees more. As Taeyeon began working, she looks confusingly at Tiffany who stood down along with the files to help her.

Taeyeon looks at her, confused. "What are you doing?" Tiffany looks back and smiled. "I am helping you organizing your things, Miss Kim." Taeyeon then has a displeased look in her face and groaned in annoyance.

"Go home and rest Tiffany." Tiffany then lets out a pout, Taeyeon froze. "I don't have anything to do at home and I'm not that tired, please let me help you Miss Kim?" Taeyeon gulpd at the sight. Tiffany's eyes twinkled.

She let's out a sigh and obliged her secretary's request which is unusual for a boss to do. Tiffany smiles as she puts her arms up and cheered. Taeyeon shakes her head but as soon as Tiffany focused on working, she let out a smile. "She looks so cute." Taeyeon said in her thoughts.

:< im sad.

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