Chapter 13

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Tiffany groans in frustration when the buzzer beeped. She tried to ignore it and continued typing on the desktop. She let's out a loud exhale.

She was about to save the file when the buzzer beeped again.
She looks at the window glass and spot her boss. She let out a glare, hoping it could scare her boss even a little.

But to her dislike, the buzzer made a noise again indicating that her boss is calling her. She let out a loud groan and stood up, making her way to Taeyeon.

After the embarrassing confession, Tiffany found her self in the morning, working ofcourse alongside with Taeyeon calling her in the office back and forth to ask questions like her favourite food and other not work related questions, which cause Tiffany to have discomfort. They're still at work anyway, and they both have that “Secretary/Boss” relationship, atleast inside work.

She opened the door and walked-- more like stomping her way inside. She then spots her smirking boss, she tried not to roll her eyes as she harshly grab the remote to close the glass window.

"Miss Kim! You need to stop doing this! I thought we agreed on making things professional? Ask work related questions only! Save personal matters later after work."

Taeyeon lifted her brow.

"So...that means you'll be staying at my place tonight?"

Tiffany's eyes widen as her jaw drop.

"W-What are you talking about?!"

Taeyeon shrug.

"You said I can save personal questions later, you'll be off to work atleast five or six, I will surely want a dinner with you but that is not enough. I want to spend time with you and know more about you, I just can't get enough of you."

Tiffany's face immediately turned red as she can feel her stomach tightened.


She just stood there, speechless and mouth agape.

Taeyeon lets out a chuckle at the sight.

"I'm just kidding about the staying at my place thingy Tiffany, the New York project will be done soon, I'm pretty sure we'll have plenty of time together without work pestering us." She winked at the end causing Tiffany to blush more.

"I-I'm ordering your lunch--"

Taeyeon stood up and approached her.

"Nah, I'm having lunch with you missy."

She then touched Tiffany's chin and kissed her cheek. Tiffany hit her earning a yelp from the latter but in the end,Tiffany playfully pinched her nose.

Can't resist this cutie.


Sunny looked at Taeyeon is disbelief, meanwhile Yuri let's out a chuckle at the sight.

Here they are, three of them inside a cake shop.
Sunny looked around with a grimace on her face, she can spot kids whining and some couples looking lovesick.

"So this is our meeting place...One question, are you high?"

Taeyeon looks at her, brows meeting.
"Focus, don't you love cakes and cupcakes?"

Sunny rolled her eyes and Yuri raised her hand.

"I love cakes, especially icing. They taste good but even tastier if there's a...

cherry on top." Yuri bit her lip and wink.

Taeyeon's eyes widen as she kicked Yuri's feet under the table, Sunny pinched Yuri's side.

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